[Coral-List] risk of future bleaching
Douglas Fenner
douglasfennertassi at gmail.com
Sat Jun 29 03:00:53 UTC 2024
Cumulative risk of future bleaching for the world's coral reefs
Cheers, Doug
Douglas Fenner
Lynker Technologies, LLC, Contractor
NOAA Fisheries Service
Pacific Islands Regional Office
Coral Reef Consulting
PO Box 997390
Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799-6298 USA
“The ultimate question, I believe, is not whether mankind can afford to
leave a few places on our planet in near-natural conditions. Rather, can
we afford not to?” CRC Sheppard, 2024. The Chagos Archipelago, a
biological biography. CRC Press.
Fenner, D. 2023. Corals of Hawai’i, 2nd edition. Mutual Publishing,
Honolulu, and Maui Ocean Center. 440 pp. (includes 167 page section on
coral biology and coral reef ecology)
Sheppard, C., Fenner, D., Sheppard, A. 2017. Corals of Chagos.
Fenner, D. 2020. Can we save coral reefs?
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