[Coral-List] The Guardian: Largest known deep-sea coral reef mapped off U.S. Atlantic coast

Dennis Hubbard dennis.hubbard at oberlin.edu
Sat Jan 20 23:10:57 UTC 2024

Hi Vassil:

Thanks. If my old memory serves me right, Conrad Neumann described deep=ses
reefs off the coast of Florida based on several submersible dives. I'm not
sure I could find the reference as I've been out of the game for so long,
However, I fondly remember a meeting on Bermuda where someone referred to
what sound like these reefs and Conrad, who was sitting next to me, leaned
over an murmured , "did that in 1977'. If I'm right, this is yet another
predictable of the unfortunate stresses for researchers (especially younger
ones) to report only the most recent references in prestigious journals
like Nature and Science. More than once, in one of my snarkier moods, I'd
commented that I was just waiting for some young grad student stating that
s/he discovered evolution because that were unaware od Dsrwin's work. i
understand that there are mechanisms to create ancillary references that
will be listed outside the main reference list, but I am pessimistic about
everyone tsking the time amd effort to go there.






On Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 10:59 AM Vassil Zlatarski via Coral-List <
coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov> wrote:

>  https://apple.news/ATXWpDb8AQwqdNlDnrQU3eQ
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Dennis Hubbard - Emeritus Professor: Dept of Geology-Oberlin College
Oberlin OH 44074
(440) 935-4014

* "When you get on the wrong train.... every stop is the wrong stop"*
 Benjamin Stein: "*Ludes, A Ballad of the Drug and the Dream*"

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