[Coral-List] SAVE THE DATE: The next International Marine Conservation Congress #IMCC7

David Shiffman david.shiffman at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 19:09:43 UTC 2023

Hello, friends and colleagues!

I am excited to share the news that the 7th International Marine
Conservation Congress has officially announced our dates and location. IMCC
is the largest interdisciplinary ocean conservation science and practice
meeting, and is very student friendly.

Join us October 13-18, 2024, in Cape Town, South Africa!

Details on symposium, workshop, and abstract submission are coming soon,
but for now, save the date! I hope to see you there.

We are happy to answer any questions, but for now, the answer is likely to
be "stay tuned for details".



*David Shiffman, Ph.D. *
Marine Conservation Biologist, Scientific and Environmental Consultant, and
Science Writer
Washington, DC

*e: *david.shiffman at gmail.com | *t: *@WhySharksMatter
<http://twitter.com/#!/WhySharksMatter> |
*b: *Southern Fried Science Blog <http://www.southernfriedscience.com/> |
*Online CV <http://DavidShiffmanCV.com>*

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