[Coral-List] SCTLD Prospectus

Epps, Ashleigh a.epps at ufl.edu
Fri Jan 6 17:03:37 UTC 2023

Good morning,

I am pleased to share the release of the Prospectus for Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease: A Present and Growing Threat to Coral Reefs<https://www.flseagrant.org/publication/prospectus-for-stony-coral-tissue-loss-disease-a-present-and-growing-threat-to-coral-reefs/>.

The prospectus aims to provide basic information on stony coral tissue loss disease and the impact it is having on coral reef ecosystems while sharing the path forward through response, research, restoration, and conservation. The prospectus was created through affiliations with NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program, Florida Sea Grant, and funded by NOAA’s Regional Collaboration Network, Southeast and Caribbean Region Team (SEACART).

We hope that the prospectus will serve as a useful resource when communicating about this new threat to our coral reefs. Please share it widely among your networks.

Thanks so much to all of those that contributed to the development of this document!

Ashleigh Epps, M.Sc.
Coral Disease Associate
Florida Sea Grant, University of Florida
Email: a.epps at ufl.edu<mailto:a.epps at ufl.edu>

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