[Coral-List] TWO Post-Doc Openings at NYU Abu Dhabi

John Burt john.burt at nyu.edu
Tue Apr 5 13:56:27 UTC 2022

Hi folks,

We currently have TWO coral reef related post-doc openings available for
positions that will start in September 2022.

The application deadline for the first position closes later this week (*10
April*). This position will focus on the establishment of a national coral
reef monitoring program for the UAE (possibly later scaling regionally) and
to develop research on processes driving changes in reef communities and
potential intervention measures to enhance their conservation. Learn more
and apply at this link: https://apply.interfolio.com/104420

We are also seeking a second post-doc with expertise in the influence of
nutrients on corals. The deadline for this position is at the end of the
month (*30 April*). More information can be found here:

John Burt
John A. Burt
Associate Professor of Biology
New York University Abu Dhabi
PO Box 129188, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Ph: + 971-50-221-9269
Email: John.Burt at nyu.edu
Profiles: Google Scholar
<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=nEdHYp4AAAAJ&hl=en>; ORCiD
<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6087-6424>; NYU Webpage
*Follow the NYUAD Marine Biology Lab on Facebook

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