[Coral-List] Online talks on climate change coming 15:00 to 16:30 EST Wednesday 10 June.

McManus, John W jmcmanus at rsmas.miami.edu
Tue Jun 2 18:29:09 UTC 2020

The following may be of general interest for coral reef lovers and others.
This year's winners of the annual Piers Sellers Prize event are Dr Katharine Mach, a senior author of a recent climate change report of the IPCC, "for her world leading contribution to solution focused climate research".  Other awards will go to Oliver Grasham and Harriet Thew "for their exceptional PhD research to address climate change."

All three will give addresses during the online award ceremony, which should be unusually good.
Katharine's talk will be: "Climate risks and adaptations: integrating knowledge, making it actionable".
15:00 to 16:30 EST Wednesday 10 June.
You can register and obtain more info at https://climate.leeds.ac.uk/events/piers-sellers-prize-2020/.

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