[Coral-List] Elsevier's 2017 profits exceeded $1.2 billion: how to reclaim your rights as an author without feeding the beast
J Hill
jhilltrustee at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 15:48:22 UTC 2018
Hmmmm.....Not sure where you are getting your financial information but
For the quarter, Apple posted revenue of $52.6 billion and net quarterly
profit of $10.7 billion
That was just the 4th Quarter....$10.7 billion versus your stated profit by
Elsevier of $1.2 billion
for the whole year.
On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 2:33 PM, Nick Wehner <nick at octogroup.org> wrote:
> Hi Coral-Listers,
> I’m hosting a webinar next month that I wanted to alert you to. Please
> share with your networks.
> RELX Group, the holding company that owns Elsevier, the world's largest
> publisher, brought in profits that exceeded US $1.2 billion in 2017 alone..
> With a profit margin of 37%, they make more in profit than Google and Apple
> combined! So what can you as an author do to stop feeding this
> profit-hungry beast?
> Elsevier and other for-profit publishers allow you to make your research
> available for free to the world via Green Open Access (Green OA). Papers
> available for free this way are cited 30% more <
> https://peerj.com/articles/4375/> on average. If they're licensed openly,
> they can also be text-mined and translated for free, too -- all without
> paying costly OA fees to the publisher.
> Get your research published where you want (even behind a pay-wall) by
> making it freely-available via Green OA with MarXiv: the free research
> repository for the ocean and marine climate sciences <https://marxiv.org/>.
> Not only can you make your research Green OA for free, but you can also
> share your data and other research outputs for free. Give your group’s
> reports a free DOI and ensure they’re indexed in academic search engines
> like Google Scholar.
> Event Date: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at 1pm EDT / 10am PDT / 5pm UTC
> Register now at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ai36NyuVTNq5l0Arh4O0_w
> <https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ai36NyuVTNq5l0Arh4O0_w>
> Cheers,
> -Nick
> Nick Wehner
> Director of Open Initiatives
> OCTO | Open Communications for The Ocean
> https://www.octogroup.org | https://www.openchannels.org |
> https://marxiv.org
> nick at octogroup.org | nwehner at protonmail.com
> Office: +1-206-420-1175
> Signal: +1-206-745-2138
> Learn about the importance of making your research freely-available with
> MarXiv from Oceans Deeply: https://oct.to/marxivod
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JHillTrustee at gmail.com
Trustee, Marshall Field Family Trust
Former Non-Profit Board Positions:
Duke Children's Hospital
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Duke Nicholas School for the Environment
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