[Coral-List] Struggling with ocean optimism

Ed Blume eblume2702 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 00:36:20 UTC 2018

I'll be diving in the Florida Keys in mid-March.  I'll ask the dive
operators what they see as the future of the reefs.

Ed Blume

On Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 10:57 AM, Steve Mussman <sealab at earthlink.net>

> Dear Listers,
> Coming from the perspective of someone involved for many years in the
> diving industry, I am struggling with the concept of ocean optimism and
> would like some feedback from you, the experts on coral reef ecology. I
> understand that tourism is an important economic driver in many tropical
> regions around the world and that too much doom and gloom is bad for
> business, but it seems to me that for far too long the major threats to
> coral reefs have been downplayed industry-wide and that this approach has
> therefore unwittingly contributed to decades of inaction. How can we hope
> to work towards real-world solutions if we can’t bring ourselves to openly
> discuss policy positions that could effectively address the fundamental
> problems involved?            Most recently, I have come across two
> excellent, thoughtful and well written articles that reflect the position
> of the diving industry on the current state of our oceans and coral reefs
> in particular.          Please consider reading these articles and
> providing any commentary you consider appropriate.
> http://www.alertdiver.com/Northern_GBR
> http://www.alertdiver.com/Ocean_Optimism
> Regards,
> Steve Mussman
> Sent from my iPad
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