[Coral-List] UW cameras.

Rachel Skubel rskubel at gmail.com
Sat Feb 17 11:39:04 UTC 2018

Hi John, I'm sure you're had lots of interest, but our lab could also
benefit from these items on the off chance they have not found a home.


On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 3:27 PM, John Ware <jware at erols.com> wrote:

> Dear List,
> It may be that,  in this era of point-and-shoot, there might be no one
> interested in the following:
> I have:
> - Nikon D80
> - Nikon D300
> - Sea&Sea housings for both
> - 3 YS-110 strobes
> - a large assortment of lenses.
> - Large and medium sized Pelican cases
> I would like to donate these to a USA or USA-associated university or lab.
> Any interest???
> John Ware
> --
>      *************************************************************
>      *                                                           *
>      *                      John R. Ware, PhD                    *
>      *                         President                         *
>      *                      SeaServices, LLC                     *
>      *                     302 N. Mule Deer Pt.                  *
>      *                    Payson, AZ 85541, USA                  *
>      *                       928 478-6358                        *
>      *                      jware at erols.com                      *
>      *                 http://www.seaservices.org                *
>      *                                                           *
>      *                Former Member of the Council:              *
>      *            International Society for Reef Studies         *
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>      *        _______________________________|   |________       *
>      *     |\/__       Untainted by Technology            \      *
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Rachel Skubel
Ph.D. Student
Shark Research and Conservation at the University of Miami
Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy

e: rskubel at gmail.com | t: @RachelSkubel <https://twitter.com/rachelskubel>
ResearchGate profile <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rachel_Skubel>

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