[Coral-List] Coral reefs for coastal protection: A new methodological approach and engineering case study

Storlazzi, Curt cstorlazzi at usgs.gov
Mon Feb 12 23:34:56 UTC 2018


Check out the new paper in the Journal of Environmental Management:

*Coral reefs for coastal protection: A new methodological approach and
engineering case study in Grenada

Just published by a team at UC Santa Cruz and The Nature Conservancy, this
study measures the protective role of coral reefs in Grenville Bay,
Grenada, and evaluates one of the first uses of reef restoration as natural
infrastructure specifically designed to reduce risks to people and
property.  Highlights:

•  Coral degradation is directly linked to the severe erosion which
threatens Grenville Bay, Grenada

•  This the first time a shoreline equilibrium model used by coastal
engineers to study breakwaters is applied to coral reefs

•  The study evaluates one of the first reef-based adaptation projects
specifically designed for climate adaptation and risk reduction of coastal

“We are able to apply coastal engineering tools and models to support coral
reef science and management. Ours is one of the first studies to directly
show, with evidence from the field sites and engineering models, the
impacts of coral reef loss on shorelines.” – B.G. Reguero, lead author

You can find the paper here: https://authors.elsevier.com/

Apologies for any cross-posting.....


Curt D. Storlazzi, Ph.D.
U.S. Geological Survey
Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 460-7521 phone
(831) 427-4748 fax

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