[Coral-List] Footprint calculator and coral troubles

J Hill jhilltrustee at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 15:31:11 UTC 2018

Thank you for your honesty Steve.

I still encourage everyone to look at the research and consider a plant
based diet as the best
way to help the planet in general and the oceans including coral reefs in
particular (it is also
one of the best ways to ward off chronic disease in your own body).

On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 12:19 PM, Steve Mussman <sealab at earthlink.net> wrote:

> My own carbon footprint calculations might best be described as
> inconvenient truths.  For many years now I have been focused on attempting
> to raise awareness among scuba divers as to the myriad of stressors
> affecting coral reefs and on working to move the diving industry to take a
> more responsible stance on the issues involved. Ironically, I do not need
> to do a formal footprint calculation to recognize the internal
> contradiction arising from the fact that my own carbon footprint is
> continually and unequivocally contributing to the problem. Even more
> awkward is the realization that if everyone on earth traveled and lived
> like I do, the problem would likely be worse. This is not an exercise in
> self-flagellation and I’m sure I’m not alone in conceding this point. My
> reason for throwing this out there is based on the hope that perhaps the
> candid acknowledgment of the fact that we, the anointed ones, are
> admittedly part of the problem may lead us to re-evaluate our strategies
> designed to implement change going forward. Maybe I’m wrong, but could it
> be that our attempts to affect those not readily disposed to accepting the
> science have been laced with some level of unintended self-righteousness
> and that there might be a way to broaden our appeal by plainly
> acknowledging our own complicity?
> Regards,
> Steve Mussman
> Sent from my iPad
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JHillTrustee at gmail.com
Trustee, Marshall Field Family Trust
Former Non-Profit Board Positions:
Duke Children's Hospital
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Duke Nicholas School for the Environment

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