[Coral-List] Coral Reef Scenario Evaluation Tool?

Hernandez Edwin coral_giac at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 22 23:35:43 UTC 2018

Dear listers.
Greetings! Does anyone in the list have a functional version of the Coral Reef Scenario Evaluation Tool (CORSET) model software that can share with me? I've had a very hard time looking for it over the web. Its original web address is not functional anymore, and I have not found it anywhere else.
Best regards and thanks in advance!

Edwin A. Hernández-Delgado, Ph.D. 
Affiliate Researcher 

University of Puerto Rico 
Center for Applied Tropical Ecology and Conservation 
Coral Reef Research Group
P.O. Box 23360
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00931-3360

Tel (787) 764-0000, x-2009 
Fax (787) 764-2610

e-mail:     coral_giac at yahoo.com
               edwin.hernandezdelgado at gmail.com
               edwin.hernandez13 at upr.edu


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