[Coral-List] Pedro: a wonderful scientist, teacher and conservation soldier
Georgina Bustamante
gbustamante09 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 19 18:40:38 UTC 2017
He was my friend and colleague for 45-years, the best marine ecologist I
ever met.
Since he was very young, he had and later improved some special mental
"antenna" to interpret a coral reef environmental conditions by looking at
its species composition, size, etc.
He formed many generations of marine scientists in Cuba and other
countries. For us, close to his age, he was a permanent and enthusiastic
source of information and a debating counterpart.
He fought many battles to prevent or reduce anthropogenic impacts in Cuban
coastal environment. He taught engineers and decision makers how to do
He loved conducting scientfic research and teaching.
For that, I will always remember him and I hope the Cuban authorities pay
him a special tribute.
Georgina Bustamante, Ph.D.
Caribbean Marine Protected Area Management (CaMPAM) Network and Forum
The UNEP-CEP capacity building program for MPA managers and stakeholders
CaMPAM-ECMMAN Small Grant Program coordinator
Hollywood, Florida, USA
Mobile +1 (305) 297-6995
email: gbustamante09 at gmail.com
skype: yoyibustamante
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On Jun 19, 2017 10:53 AM, <coral-list-request at coral.aoml.noaa.gov> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Passing of Pedro Alcolado (Tunnell, Wes)
2. Re: Passing of Pedro Alcolado (Steve Mussman)
3. Re: Passing of Pedro Alcolado (Judith Lang)
4. Re: Dominican Republic Bans all Shark and Parrot / Doctor /
Surgeon Fish fishing, also urchins (Damien Beri)
5. New mesophotic octocorals from Eilat (Yehuda Benayahu)
6. Culture conditions suitable for optimal growth of
zooxanthellae (SIVIWE ELVIS)
7. Re: Passing of Pedro Alcolado (James Hendee - NOAA Federal)
8. Creating a new generation of professional divers at the
interface between business and research (martina)
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2017 14:52:10 +0000
From: "Tunnell, Wes" <Wes.Tunnell at tamucc.edu>
Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Passing of Pedro Alcolado
To: Alain Duran <ecoaduran at gmail.com>,
"coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov" <coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa..
<BY2PR0601MB16883BDC4D980ACD0F634B3186C70 at BY2PR0601MB1688.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
I am deeply saddened by this message. Pedro was an engaging and productive
coral reef and sponge scientist for many decades. What a nice legacy of
working on Cuban marine resources and with students and colleagues.
Condolences to Pedro's family, friends, and colleagues for this loss.
Regards, Wes
-----Original Message-----
From: coral-list-bounces at coral.aoml.noaa.gov [mailto:coral-list-bounces@
coral.aoml.noaa.gov] On Behalf Of Alain Duran
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 11:17 AM
To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
Subject: [Coral-List] Passing of Pedro Alcolado
Dear coral-list members,
It is with a heavy heart and deep appreciation for his commitment to coral
reef conservation that I share with you that Dr. Pedro Alcolado (Profe
Pedro) passed way last night. Pedro was one of the top Cuban marine
scientists who contributed to innumerable scientific projects resulting in
dozens scientific articles and books. Beyond his excellent scientific
career, Pedro was known as a great instructor who advocated for deeply and
open discussion that we, his students, will always remember.
Es con profundo dolor y reconocimiento a su trabajo para la conservaci?n
marina de los arrecifes coralinos que les informo que el Dr. Pedro Alcolado
falleci? en horas de la noche. Pedro fue uno de los mejores investigadores
marinos cubanos que contribuyo en innumerables proyectos que culminaron en
art?culos y libros cient?ficos. Mas all? de su excelente carrera
cient?fica, Pedro fue conocido como un gran instructor que siempre nos
ense?o, a nosotros sus estudiantes, la discusi?n cient?fica profunda y
libre que siempre recordaremos
We offered our sincerest condolences to his family and colleagues at the
Institute of Oceanology, Cuba.
Le enviamos nuestras condolencias a su familia y colegas del Instituto de
Alain Duran (Florida International University, US)
Patricia Gonzalez-Diaz (Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Cuba)
Coral-List mailing list
Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2017 11:04:01 -0400 (EDT)
From: Steve Mussman <sealab at earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Passing of Pedro Alcolado
To: Alain Duran <ecoaduran at gmail.com>, coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
<20127646.1806.1497798241767 at elwamui-royal.atl.sa.earthlink.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Dear Alan and Coral-Listers,
I regret that I never had the opportunity to meet Pedro, but I had several
correspondences with him over the last few years both on and off list.
Regardless of his prominence in the field of the marine sciences, he always
took the time to exchange ideas on topics that were of interest to me. In
every instance I could clearly sense his genuine, heartfelt concern for the
future of coral reefs around the world. Somehow I would like his family and
colleagues to know that I greatly appreciated the hope and encouragement
that he provided me. Thank you Pedro, you truly made a difference.
Steve Mussman
-----Original Message-----
>From: Alain Duran <ecoaduran at gmail.com>
>Sent: Jun 16, 2017 12:17 PM
>To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
>Subject: [Coral-List] Passing of Pedro Alcolado
>Dear coral-list members,
>It is with a heavy heart and deep appreciation for his commitment to coral
>reef conservation that I share with you that Dr. Pedro Alcolado (Profe
>Pedro) passed way last night. Pedro was one of the top Cuban marine
>scientists who contributed to innumerable scientific projects resulting in
>dozens scientific articles and books. Beyond his excellent scientific
>career, Pedro was known as a great instructor who advocated for deeply and
>open discussion that we, his students, will always remember.
>Es con profundo dolor y reconocimiento a su trabajo para la conservaci?n
>de los arrecifes coralinos que les informo que el Dr. Pedro Alcolado
>falleci? en horas de la noche. Pedro fue uno de los mejores investigadores
>marinos cubanos que contribuyo en innumerables proyectos que culminaron
>en art?culos y libros cient?ficos. Mas all? de su excelente carrera
>cient?fica, Pedro
>fue conocido como un gran instructor que siempre nos ense?o, a nosotros sus
>estudiantes, la discusi?n cient?fica profunda y libre que siempre
>We offered our sincerest condolences to his family and colleagues at the
>Institute of Oceanology, Cuba.
>Le enviamos nuestras condolencias a su familia y colegas del Instituto de
>Alain Duran (Florida International University, US)
>Patricia Gonzalez-Diaz (Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Cuba)
>Coral-List mailing list
>Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2017 13:51:13 -0400
From: Judith Lang <jlang at riposi.net>
Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Passing of Pedro Alcolado
To: Alain Duran <ecoaduran at gmail.com>
Cc: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
Message-ID: <E991F32C-909C-4482-A4ED-D358E4F1250D at riposi.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Dear Alain and Patricia,
I am stunned and deeply saddened to hear of Pedro?s death. With his
charming insistence on clear definitions for words, Pedro was a supportive
colleague, excellent correspondent and dear friend. I will miss him greatly..
Judy Lang
AGRRA Scientific Coordinator
> On Jun 16, 2017, at 12:17 PM, Alain Duran <ecoaduran at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear coral-list members,
> It is with a heavy heart and deep appreciation for his commitment to coral
> reef conservation that I share with you that Dr. Pedro Alcolado (Profe
> Pedro) passed way last night. Pedro was one of the top Cuban marine
> scientists who contributed to innumerable scientific projects resulting in
> dozens scientific articles and books. Beyond his excellent scientific
> career, Pedro was known as a great instructor who advocated for deeply and
> open discussion that we, his students, will always remember.
> Es con profundo dolor y reconocimiento a su trabajo para la conservaci?n
> de los arrecifes coralinos que les informo que el Dr. Pedro Alcolado
> falleci? en horas de la noche. Pedro fue uno de los mejores
> marinos cubanos que contribuyo en innumerables proyectos que culminaron
> en art?culos y libros cient?ficos. Mas all? de su excelente carrera
> cient?fica, Pedro
> fue conocido como un gran instructor que siempre nos ense?o, a nosotros
> estudiantes, la discusi?n cient?fica profunda y libre que siempre
> recordaremos
> We offered our sincerest condolences to his family and colleagues at the
> Institute of Oceanology, Cuba.
> Le enviamos nuestras condolencias a su familia y colegas del Instituto de
> Oceanologia
> Alain Duran (Florida International University, US)
> Patricia Gonzalez-Diaz (Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Cuba)
> _______________________________________________
> Coral-List mailing list
> Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
> http://coral.aoml.noaa.gov/mailman/listinfo/coral-list
Message: 4
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2017 18:23:22 -0400
From: Damien Beri <beridl at g.cofc.edu>
Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Dominican Republic Bans all Shark and Parrot
/ Doctor / Surgeon Fish fishing, also urchins
To: Ruben Torres <ruben at reefcheck.org>
Cc: Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
Message-ID: <018B4BB6-E310-4A50-855F-D3E812B64C60 at g.cofc.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
If anyone would like to see images of the "Silver Banks" 98 miles off the
coast of the Dominican Republic let me know. They are extremely revealing
of the degree of damage that has occurred. Staying two months out at sea
with the whales and fishing boats, I saw no large fauna except whales and
conducted extensive swims through various coral heads. Most of the reef
heads have died with several patches of coral heads where just the tips of
once ancient elkhorns remain. It's my understanding these vertical pillars
of elkhorn tracked sea level rise for thousands of years?
Most of these vertical (>60 ft) coral heads are now dead and covered with
I have exact gps coordinates for these images if anyone would like. I also
know someone who has been going to the area for many years and has marked
all the coral heads (>300) for whale watching safety concerns.
Hope anyone can use these valuable shots!
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 17, 2017, at 1:49 PM, Ruben Torres <ruben at reefcheck.org> wrote:
> Just in from Dominican Republic:
> Francisco Dominguez Brito, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources
issued a resolution to ban all shark species fishing indefinitely. Also a
moratorium for 2 years on all species of Parrot Fish and Surgeon/Doctor
fish in all Dominican Republic waters. Also urchins will be protected from
collecting or harvesting as a measure to control algae growth on reefs.
> _______________________________________________
> Coral-List mailing list
> Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
> http://coral.aoml.noaa.gov/mailman/listinfo/coral-list
Message: 5
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 08:01:31 +0000
From: Yehuda Benayahu <yehudab at tauex.tau.ac.il>
Subject: [Coral-List] New mesophotic octocorals from Eilat
To: "coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov" <coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>
<HE1PR02MB3130168AAB51DA6211E9EE23A8C40 at HE1PR02MB3130.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dear All,
We would like to bring to your attention to recent publications describing
new octocoral species from mesophotic reefs of Eilat (northern Gulf of
Altumia delicata gen. n. & sp. n. (Octocorallia: Clavulariidae):
Sinularia mesophotica sp. n. (family Alcyoniidae):
Yehuda Benayahu, Ph.D
Professor of Marine Biology
The Israel Cohen Chair in Environmental Zoology
Department of Zoology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences
Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, ISRAEL
Tel: +972-3-6409090/7292, Fax: +972-3-6409403
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 10:08:49 +0000 (UTC)
From: SIVIWE ELVIS <siviweelvis at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Coral-List] Culture conditions suitable for optimal growth
of zooxanthellae
To: Coral-List <coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>
Message-ID: <1479099486.1218394.1497866929900 at mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Dear colleagues
I would like to find advice and suggestion on the culture conditions
suitable for optimal growth of zooxanthellae (zoox) and please kindly share
if you have some experience on this. I have already started a culture of
zoox isolated from both Pocillopora verrucosa and Anomastraea irregularis,
which were collected from the wild, intertidal rocky pool and maintained in
aquaria for a week before zoox were isolated (using media).
The culture condition is not my focus but the idea is to learn and
understand better the morphological and physiological (pigments,
photosynthesis, etc.) response of the zoox to heat stress associated with
increasing temperature and light intensity. I am hoping I will also be able
to know the threshold of these two stressors and if time allows, identify
types or clades of zooxanthellae found the two corals species. A comparison
may also be made to holobiont experiment, when zoox are inside coral polyp
tissues in response to the same levels of stressors in the aquarium.
The culture conditions maintained include temperature (26 ?C) and light
using GrowLux? fluorescent tubes, closer to the culture flasks; use of
orbital shaker for mixing culture within flasks. The main concern I have is
my zoox cultures are taking too long to pick up growth and reach
exponential growth phase though one can see little colour changes and tiny
cells under microscope, and this is a third week introduced to F/2 medium,
which I can see most researchers have successfully used; I even made a
parallel zoox culture using BG11 medium in 500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks. Very
nice-looking images were taken under microscope immediately after zoox were
isolated from corals and I plan to start with experimental treatments once
these cultures become denser, with cells doubling.
Any input or comments in this regard will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
Best regards
Siviwe Babane (MSc Marine Biology student)
University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN)
College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science
School of Life Science
Biological Science Department
Westville, University road
Message: 7
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 07:28:45 -0400
From: James Hendee - NOAA Federal <jim.hendee at noaa.gov>
Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Passing of Pedro Alcolado
To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
Message-ID: <a5bb6baf-60d2-4fdd-9da9-2d53ec6c7508 at noaa.gov>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
I only met Pedro once when I visited Cuba a couple of years ago, but I
had been corresponding with him for over 15 years about all things
coral, and about his particular concerns in Cuba. He was a great guy,
and it's sad that our long dialog has come to an end.
On 6/16/17 12:17 PM, Alain Duran wrote:
> Dear coral-list members,
> It is with a heavy heart and deep appreciation for his commitment to coral
> reef conservation that I share with you that Dr. Pedro Alcolado (Profe
> Pedro) passed way last night. Pedro was one of the top Cuban marine
> scientists who contributed to innumerable scientific projects resulting in
> dozens scientific articles and books. Beyond his excellent scientific
> career, Pedro was known as a great instructor who advocated for deeply and
> open discussion that we, his students, will always remember.
> Es con profundo dolor y reconocimiento a su trabajo para la conservaci?n
> de los arrecifes coralinos que les informo que el Dr. Pedro Alcolado
> falleci? en horas de la noche. Pedro fue uno de los mejores
> marinos cubanos que contribuyo en innumerables proyectos que culminaron
> en art?culos y libros cient?ficos. Mas all? de su excelente carrera
> cient?fica, Pedro
> fue conocido como un gran instructor que siempre nos ense?o, a nosotros
> estudiantes, la discusi?n cient?fica profunda y libre que siempre
> recordaremos
> We offered our sincerest condolences to his family and colleagues at the
> Institute of Oceanology, Cuba.
> Le enviamos nuestras condolencias a su familia y colegas del Instituto de
> Oceanologia
> Alain Duran (Florida International University, US)
> Patricia Gonzalez-Diaz (Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Cuba)
> _______________________________________________
> Coral-List mailing list
> Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
> http://coral.aoml.noaa.gov/mailman/listinfo/coral-list
Message: 8
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 15:15:02 +0200
From: martina <m.milanese at studioassociatogaia.com>
Subject: [Coral-List] Creating a new generation of professional divers
at the interface between business and research
To: m.milanese at studioassociatogaia.com
<70542adb-16a1-65c9-f8cc-62e973e21ec6 at studioassociatogaia.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
** Apologies for cross-posting **
Dear all,
as a member of the EU-funded project Green Bubbles and one of the
trainers involved in the course below, I am pleased to share a piece of
news on progress towards a more sustainable diving system. The text is
taken from the post at this link: http://www.greenbubbles.eu/?p=1179
where further details are given as captions in the photogallery. Please
do not hesitate to contact me or the other organisers/trainers for any
question or for further information.
Sincerely yours,
The first university course on Citizen Science and SCUBA diving just
successfully concluded at the Polytechnic University of Marche (Ancona,
Italy ? new PADI Educational Facility) with the support by and
collaboration of PADI, DAN Europe, Green Bubbles, Reef Check Italia
onlus and Project AWARE.
The course, aimed at creating a new generation of professional divers at
the interface between business and research, was open to
undergraduate/PhD students or graduates in Marine Sciences holding at
least a Dive Master certification of any internationally recognised
Certifying Agency. It covered topics such as environmental and medical
Citizen Science, technology and marketing to promote Citizen Science in
the diving industry, business diversification in SCUBA diving, and
provided all participants with Reef Check Italia onlus and PADI
Researcher Diver certifications. The latter is a new specialty course
that can only be taught by PADI Instructors holding a qualifying
university degree. Intensive training was given through classroom and
field-work sessions, thereby exposing all participants to theoretical
background and real-life scenarios.
Dates and programme for next year?s course are already being defined!
Dr Martina Milanese, PhD
skype: m.milanese
twitter: @martix_m
Italian Mob. (WA) +39-338-1196672
Moroccan Mob. +212-636808514
Studio Associato Gaia Snc dei Dottori Antonio Sar? e Martina Milanese
Via Brigata Liguria 1/9 scala A
16121 Genova - Italy
PI 01600400996
Coral-List mailing list
Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
End of Coral-List Digest, Vol 106, Issue 18
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