[Coral-List] What is the ONE most important ocean-problem that we need to solve? - 7 question survey

Barbara Gratzer barbara.marinebiologist at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 04:13:27 UTC 2017

Dear Corraliphils,

I would like to thank all of you for participating in the survey. It was a
great learning experience in many ways and I would like to briefly share
some of the outcomes. In summary, the survey is not scientifically viable
due to two factors:
1: every participant could potentially vote the full number of points for
every problem
2: I would like to acknowledge that rising sea-water temperatures due to
elevated green house gas levels in the atmosphere were missing in the
survey. To be very honest, they dropped out some how as I made some last
minute changes and I pressed send without double checking. That would have
probably led to a different outcome and many people reacted quite angrily
to the lack of this challenge.

However, I would like to mention the outcomes and probably will repeat the
survey with survey monkey.
Combatting overfishing and harmful resource usage resulted in the highest
yield of 58%, followed by lack of awareness with 48%. Water pollution and
acidification were both at 44%.

Once again, thank you for your time.

My question was related to a business model that a couple of friends and I
are currently working on, which aims at developing offline and online
platforms to connect Blue Economy start-ups, scientists, environmentalists
and creatives with the tourism sector.

It is amazing to see that similar ideas are picking up at the same time, as
books like "Rethinking the oceans" by James Alix Michel, President of the
Seychelles, are being published and more business models in this are start
emerging. If you would like to connect with me in this regard, please do
get in touch via bibigratzer at gmail.com

Have a wonderful day,

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 4:15 AM, Barbara Gratzer <
barbara.marinebiologist at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear "Corraliphil's",
> I am currently working on an important project and would like to find out
> what your take on this is.
> Please take 5 minutes of your pressures time to answer 7 questions
> following this link:
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdAGKoqh9YYNU104zWKNGw3
> xHR2SDChwOqNeCsvJakRVwu5Zg/viewform
> I cannot wait to read your answers and thank you very much for your time!
> Kind regards and a wonderful year ahead,
> Barbara Gratzer

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