[Coral-List] Funding available for field work at Lizard Island Research Station on the Great Barrier Reef

Lizard Island Research Station lirs at bigpond.com
Tue Aug 15 23:32:01 UTC 2017

The 2018 round of fellowships is now open for coral reef research at the
Australian Museum's Lizard Island Research Station. All fellowships provide
funding for field expenses only; salary is not provided.


Thanks to the support of the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation and its
donors, the following are available:  


Fellowships for PhD students for field work over one, two or three years
plus the opportunity to be awarded funding in the second or third year to
present at an international conference.


Preliminary applications close on 8 September 2017. 

Applicants must be enrolled or officially accepted into a PhD program at any
university at the time of application.


Fellowships for early-career postdoctoral researchers over one or two years.


Applications close on 6 October 2017. 

Applicants must have obtained a PhD within the past five years or provide
evidence of a similar level of postdoctoral research experience. 

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