[Coral-List] job position: GIS and marine ecology at USGS in Santa Cruz, CA

Storlazzi, Curt cstorlazzi at usgs.gov
Mon Dec 12 16:33:01 UTC 2016


We have an opening for a term physical scientist in our Santa Cruz office
who has strong GIS background and experience in marine ecology to support
our Coral Reefs Project and our Marine Geomorphology, Evolution, and
Habitats Project. Please forward this to any interested individuals. Thank
you for your time and effort!


As a Physical Scientist, some of the specific duties will include:

• Lead coordinator for Geographic Information System (GIS) and
remote-sensing data to serve the research needs of the Coral Reef Project,
Marine Geomorphology, Evolution, and Habitats Project, and associated
projects in Hawaii, California and the U.S. Pacific Islands. Acquires new
data and maintains geospatial databases.

• Apply professional knowledge of state-of-the-art technology, techniques,
and instrumentation applicable to seafloor mapping (sidescan sonar,
multibeam and interferometric swath bathymetry, seismic reflection, video,
sampling, navigation) to the acquisition, processing, and analysis of
marine high-resolution geophysical data.

• Design and execute figures and maps for publication, produce video
sequences, and manage Project public relations, including scientific
conference presentations and public liaison work.

• Performs underwater tasks during fieldwork which requires scuba diving.

Please see the following for more information and to apply:


Curt Storlazzi, Ph.D.
U.S. Geological Survey
Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 460-7521 phone
(831) 427-4748 fax

Staff web page:
Pacific Coral Reefs:
*http://coralreefs.wr.usgs.gov/ <http://coralreefs.wr.usgs.gov/>*
Sea-level Rise and Pacific Atolls:

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