[Coral-List] Endowed Chair in Plant Sciences at Old Dominion University; Marine-Reef applicants welcome

Daniel Barshis barshis at hawaii.edu
Thu Dec 10 16:16:27 UTC 2015

Dear Colleagues,
    I know this may seem a little far afield for the coral-list, but
someone with interests in the systematics of coral reef-associated or
marine plants would certainly qualify. Also, please feel free to pass on to
anyone else who might be interested in such a position.

The Department of Biological Sciences at Old Dominion University invites
applications for the J. Robert Stiffler Distinguished Professorship in
Botany at the Professor or Associate Professor level.

Minimum requirements include a Ph.D. in Plant Science or a related area,
experience in molecular techniques in plant research, substantial research
accomplishments with an established record of publications and independent
peer-reviewed funding, active competitive grants, and a successful graduate
and undergraduate teaching and student mentoring record. We are especially
interested in applicants whose research expands the department's expertise
in the area of molecular plant systematics and advanced genomics. State
salary support and a competitive start-up package are available; additional
annual research support funds are provided by the J. Robert Stiffler
Professorship endowment.

The department has strong graduate programs, including a Ph.D. in
Ecological Sciences, and has four (two endowed) faculty positions in the
Plant Sciences ( http://ww2.sci.odu.edu/biology/). The incumbent will play
a critical role in the future development of botanical sciences in the
department. Additional resources available include the Norfolk Botanical
Garden, Kaplan Orchid Conservatory, Blackwater Ecological Preserve, and the
University's herbarium. Old Dominion University ( http://www.odu.edu/) is a
state-supported, Carnegie doctoral research extensive institution enrolling
approximately 25,000 students.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a statement of research and
teaching interests, and names, telephone numbers, and addresses (postal and
email) of four references electronically to https://jobs.odu.edu by
clicking on Teaching and Administrative Faculty Opportunities. For full
consideration, please apply by January 30, 2016. Questions about the
position can be directed to Lytton John Musselman, Mary Payne Hogan
Professor of Botany ( lmusselm at odu.edu).

Old Dominion University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
institution. Minorities, women, veterans, and
individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


Best regards,


  Daniel Barshis, Ph.D.
  Assistant Professor
  Department of Biological Sciences
  Old Dominion University
  Mills Godwin Building 302J
  Norfolk, VA 23529
  Office: 757-683-3614
  Lab: 757-683-5755
  Web: www.odu.edu/~dbarshis

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