[Coral-List] Florida Reef Resilience Program 10-year Symposium
Caitlin Lustic
clustic at TNC.ORG
Wed Dec 9 19:40:06 UTC 2015
We are happy to announce that registration is now open for the Florida Reef Resilience Program's 10-year Anniversary Symposium, to be held January 21, 2015 at the Anne Kolb Nature Center in Hollywood. The agenda will cover how the past ten years of FRRP data and information sharing has advanced management and science, and how we can ensure that the program continues to meet the needs of resource managers, scientists and reef users in the future. Please also plan to join us for a reception in the courtyard immediately following the event.
Caitlin Lustic
Coral Recovery Coordinator
clustic at tnc.org<mailto:meaghan_johnson at tnc.org>
(305) 872-7071 (Phone)
(305) 872-7072 (Fax)
The Nature Conservancy
Florida Keys
127 Industrial Road, Suite D
Big Pine Key, FL 33043
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