[Coral-List] Underwater paper?

Delbeek, Charles CDelbeek at calacademy.org
Wed May 15 17:04:53 UTC 2013

I used this product with success. They offer a variety of form factors.


J. Charles Delbeek, M.Sc.
Assistant Curator, Steinhart Aquarium
California Academy of Sciences

p 415.379.5303
f. 415.379.5304
cdelbeek at calacademy.org

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-----Original Message-----
From: coral-list-bounces at coral.aoml.noaa.gov [mailto:coral-list-bounces at coral.aoml.noaa.gov] On Behalf Of Malin Pinsky
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:13 AM
To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
Subject: [Coral-List] Underwater paper?

Hi all,

The HP Tough paper that used to work well for underwater data sheets is now
out of production (and the Xerox paper I used before that is now too

Does anyone else have suggestions for underwater paper that will work with
a pencil?


Malin Pinsky
David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellow
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Princeton University
malin.pinsky at gmail.com
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