[Coral-List] Coral Spawning Predictions Seychelles-Western Indian Ocean
Sarah Frias-Torres
sfrias_torres at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 13 11:31:42 UTC 2013
Dear coral-listers,Are there any coral spawning predictions available for the Seychelles or the western Indian ocean?I was thinking of something similar to the detailed schedule we get every year on this list, regarding coral spawning predictions in the Caribbean.If not available, do you have any information or are you aware of any papers providing observed mass spawning species/dates for the region?
Sarah Frias-Torres, Ph.D. Coordinator Reef Rescuers ProgramIsland Conservation Centre Nature Seychelles,Amitie, Praslin, Seychelleshttp://www.natureseychelles.org-and-Research CollaboratorSmithsonian-National Museum of Natural Historyat Smithsonian Marine Station, Fort Pierce, FL, USATwitter: @GrouperDocBlog: http://grouperluna.wordpress.comhttp://independent..academia.edu/SarahFriasTorres
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