[Coral-List] Chagos
David Evans
davidjevans1818 at yahoo.com
Fri May 25 17:24:38 UTC 2012
Jim et al. - My apologies, I forgot to enter the correct subject on my reply to the List about the Chagos RE: Peter Raines posting.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: David Evans <davidjevans1818 at yahoo.com>
To: "coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov" <coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: Coral-List Digest, Vol 45, Issue 19
It is warming to see your turn around, along with the various environmental groups involved, on this the Chagos and Chagossian issue.
Looking ahead to the potential outcome at the European Court of Human Rights, what do you suggest (along with any Coral Listers who might have thoughts on this) to be the approach to integrating the resettling community in with the rich and expansive coral habitat of the Chagos Archipelago? Bearing in mind, of course, that this involves a returning settlement, not an existing one, and most everything would be required to be established essentially from scratch... including skills used toward living sustainably on the coral atoll island group. Many studies and projects have been done on the matter (with established communities). Acknowledging and assisting the stakeholders' connection with efforts to maintain and monitor the health of the coral reef environments seems to be an essential element in the process. Perhaps the environmental groups working along side the re-settling community would be beneficial to them and the Chagos as a whole.... I know that
there must be a good knowledge base to make the effort successful.
Any how, I look forward to contemplating potential scenarios as the apply to the Chagossians at Chagos.
Again, it is good to see the environmental groups acknowledge the Chagossians and their position in this way.
Thank you,
David J. Evans
From: "coral-list-request at coral.aoml.noaa.gov" <coral-list-request at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>
To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 11:00 AM
Subject: Coral-List Digest, Vol 45, Issue 19
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Today's Topics:
1. Chagos (Peter Raines)
2. Fw: Kido online petition to ban turtle hunting in Grenada!
(Susan Hieter)
3. Job Opening: Coral Reef Project Coordinator, Saipan, CNMI
(Fran Castro)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 17:17:28 +0100
From: Peter Raines <rainespeter at gmail.com>
Subject: [Coral-List] Chagos
To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
<CABxk1uW7FqeS0SVmARCiyNhNMx-Yk63MQooCUDOnUvd_Q0+g=Q at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Dear all,
Great news indeed regarding Chagos, which can be found at:
All the best,
*Peter Raines MBE*
Chairman, Coral Cay Conservation Charitable Trust
Email: rainespeter at gmail.com
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 20:56:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: Susan Hieter <scubasuebh at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Coral-List] Fw: Kido online petition to ban turtle hunting
in Grenada!
To: "cemefa at setarnet.aw" <cemefa at setarnet.aw>, "c.perez at aruba.com"
<c.perez at aruba.com>, "chris_n_sue at yahoo.com" <chris_n_sue at yahoo.com>,
"crab_power at yahoo.com" <crab_power at yahoo.com>, "cleliapie at hotmail.com"
<cleliapie at hotmail.com>, "charles.schuilenburg at valero.com"
<charles.schuilenburg at valero.com>, "cruzansuzanne at hotmail.com"
<cruzansuzanne at hotmail.com>, "claudie at progress.aw"
<claudie at progress.aw>, "cleanup at oceanconservancy.org"
<cleanup at oceanconservancy.org>, "cepf at conservation.org"
<cepf at conservation.org>, "contact at whales.org" <contact at whales.org>,
"christine at savethefish.org" <christine at savethefish.org>,
"csaylan at oceanconservation.org" <csaylan at oceanconservation.org>,
"coi at whoi.edu" <coi at whoi.edu>, "csnovell at mindspring.com"
<csnovell at mindspring.com>, "cjones at ifaw.org" <cjones at ifaw.org>,
"contact at centerforoceansolutions.org"
<contact at centerforoceansolutions.org>,
"contact at plasticpollutioncoalition.org"
<contact at plasticpollutioncoalition.org>,
"cleanwater at wylandfoundation.com" <cleanwater at wylandfoundation.com>,
"charlotte.vick at gmail.com" <charlotte.vick at gmail.com>,
"clara at bluemarinefoundation.com" <clara at bluemarinefoundation.com>,
"cepf-rit at canari.org" <cepf-rit at canari.org>, "c.stone at conservation.or"
<c.stone at conservation.or>, "Caroline_Rogers at usgs.gov"
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"Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov" <Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>,
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"center at biologicaldiversity.org" <center at biologicaldiversity..org>,
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<corporate at oceanconservancy.org>, "contact at oceaninspiration.net"
<contact at oceaninspiration.net>, "contact at ted.com" <contact at ted.com>,
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<christy at reef.org>, "contactus at seaweb.org" <contactus at seaweb.org>,
"contacthwh at hwhfoundation.org" <contacthwh at hwhfoundation.org>,
"caribbean at tnc.org" <caribbean at tnc.org>,
"contactus at seattleaquarium.org" <contactus at seattleaquarium.org>,
"cmiller at searesearch.org" <cmiller at searesearch.org>,
"CDelbeek at calacademy.org" <CDelbeek at calacademy.org>,
"Chloe.Nh at bios.edu" <Chloe.Nh at bios.edu>, "carmabilog at gmail.com"
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<1337918206.17028.YahooMailNeo at web120704.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Hi everyone,
Please look this over, watch the video and if you feel moved
sign the petition. Thank you.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From:?Marina Fastigi <marina.fastigi at gmail.com>
To:?Marina Fastigi <marina.fastigi at gmail.com>?
Sent:?Friday, May 25, 2012 1:10 PM
Subject:?Kido online petition to ban turtle hunting in Grenada!
Hello from tiny Carriacou!?
We just launched our online petition for a total moratorium on turtle hunting in Grenada and we try to collect as many signatures as possible.. We reached almost 4,000 in two days and hope to hit 10,000, on top of the signatures collected locally during 3 Turtle Awareness Days, one in Carriacou and two in Grenada in June.
Please see links below to the article, watch our new turtle rescue video and sign the petition!
Please pass it on and help us get many more signatures to reach our goal!?
Thank you and be well!?
Marina & Dario
Marina Fastigi, Ph.D.
Kido Foundation, director
Carriacou Island
Grenadines of?Grenada
West Indies
Youth Blog 'Sing Your Own Song'
YWF Kido Foundation?is also on
"Turtle Kido & the state of the Ocean", puppet theatre on sea turtles
'Brothers for Life", puppet theatre on whales?
"The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men"
Alice Walker (American writer, b.1944)
VideosBy wildsurvivorprod, doiden, doiden|?3?videos
Watch All
Message: 3
Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 16:31:36 +1000
From: Fran Castro <coralreefpoc at gmail.com>
Subject: [Coral-List] Job Opening: Coral Reef Project Coordinator,
Saipan, CNMI
To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
<CACBQiswxiyJQDH7cxnfCg++rVSiosnjsAeFr17Py7hO-vwbXOA at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to announce a job opening for the Coral Reef Project
Coordinator at the Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in Saipan, CNMI.
Please pass this opportunity on to your contacts and to any qualified
candidates who may be interested. Position details are as follows:
SALARY:* Coral Reef Project Coordinator; $35,000 P/A
*LOCATION:* Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Office of the
Governor, Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
*OVERVIEW:* This position will serve as Coral Reef Project Coordinator at
the CNMI Division of Environmental Quality. S/He will assist in the
coordination and implementation of all aspects of the CNMI Coral Reef
*Summary of Position:* Prepares, assembles, edits, formats, and write grant
proposals, reports, and publications related to the Program. Coordinates
outreach and education activities related to programs.
? Assist the POC/NPS manager in coordinating, planning and
implementing all aspects of the CNMI Coral Reef Program.
? Provide support to the Point of Contact (i.e., write, submit, manage
compile grant proposals and semi-annual grant progress reports.
? Enhance stakeholder involvement in planning and implementation of
conservation projects in priority watersheds. Provide opportunity for
community hands-on involvement in coral reef protection.
? Provide residents, guest workers, and visitors with guidance on how
they can limit or eliminate their adverse impacts to coral reefs through
personal behavior, usage, and lifestyle changes.
? Facilitate improved interagency and agency-stakeholder
collaboration, coordination and communication.
? Act as the CNMI?s Point of Contact for the Micronesia Challenge
Communications Working Group, and coordinate and supervise the Micronesia
Challenge Young Champion.
? Coordinate and produce content for weekly environmental page, other
publications and
outreach material as needed.
? Conduct ongoing awareness of the environment in general, and in
particular coral reef protection, by assisting NPS staff in the
coordination school visits and presentations, and as requested by K-12
schools and college.
? Coordinate actions between the CNMI local regulatory agencies
including the Coastal Resources Management Office (CRMO) and Division of
Fish and Wildlife (DFW) in support of the CNMI coral reef management
? Prepare written quarterly and/or semi-annual reports to local and
federal agencies with regards to assigned projects.
? Performs other related duties as assigned and as schedule permits.
Bachelor?s degree from an accredited university in natural resource
management or related field plus two (2) years of
experience in project
coordination, grant administration, environmental education and knowledge
of coral reef ecosystems and local coral reef management priorities.
-Experience in interagency coordination, project management and grants
-Excellent writing, verbal, and computer skills
-Willingness to travel as required
-Valid Driver?s License
-Must be a permanent resident (i.e. U.S. Citizen or Green Card Holder)
For questions or clarifications, contact Fran Castro at (670) 664-8525 or
email francastro at deq.gov.mp. To apply, please fill out an employment
application (downloadable at http://www.deq.gov.mp/section.aspx?secID=14),
send a resume and cover letter to Fran Castro at the above email address
*15 June 2012 at 4:30 pm (CNMI/Guam time)*.
Fran Castro
CNMI CR Point of Contact
Nonpoint Source and Marine Monitoring Program
CNMI Division of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 501304
Saipan, MP 96950
Tel: (670) 664-8525
Fax: (670) 664-8540
URL: www.cnmicoralreef.net <http://www.cnmicoralreef.net>
email: coralreefpoc at gmail.com
*"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"* ~*Helen Keller *
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Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
End of Coral-List Digest, Vol 45, Issue 19
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