[Coral-List] need Actinia tenebrosa

Carla carlazilber at yahoo.com.br
Tue Jun 1 15:04:41 UTC 2010

Dear all,


Me and some colleagues are desperate need of 5 Actinia tenebrosa (from
Australia) to complete a morphological and molecular work (need a piece in
ethanol and the rest fixed in formaldehyde). If anyone knows any contacts in
Australia that could provide me that I would be greatly appreciative!


Thank you all!







Carla Zilberberg, Ph.D.

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Instituto de Biologia - Departamento de Zoologia

Laboratório de Cnidaria

Av. Brigadeiro Trompowski s/n - CCS - Bloco A - Sala A0-104

Ilha do Fundão - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - BRASIL

CEP: 21941-590

Tel: 21- 2562-6551/ 21-2562-6361




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