[Coral-List] Coral-List: another milestone

Billy Causey billy.causey at noaa.gov
Tue Jan 26 14:42:47 UTC 2010

Jim, Lew and Mike .... I know you did not post this milestone to solicit 
compliments ....but you all provide a tremendous service to coral reef 
scientists, managers, advocates and admires around the world.  You are 
the ones doing the "great work" ... and it often goes unnoticed or 
under- appreciated.  Thank you all for what you do for corals around the 
world.  Cheers, Billy

Jim Hendee wrote:
> Greetings,
>     Every thousand new subscribers, I post something like this.  All you
> subscribers now come to over 6,000 (actually, 6,019, as of this
> morning).  You are a great community of minds that have helped shaped
> the future of coral reef research, conservation, outreach, and diving. 
> Yea, Team!  Keep up the great work!
>     If you have other colleagues who are interested in joining, here
> again is the proper source:
>     http://coral.aoml.noaa.gov/mailman/listinfo/coral-list
>     Sincerely yours, the Coral-List team...
>         Jim Hendee
>         Lew Gramer
>         Mike Jankulak
> _______________________________________________
> Coral-List mailing list
> Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
> http://coral.aoml.noaa.gov/mailman/listinfo/coral-list

Billy D. Causey, Ph.D., Regional Director
Southeast Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Region
National Marine Sanctuary Program
33 East Quay Road
Key West, Florida 33040

305.809.4670 (ex 234)
305.395.0150 (cell)
305.293.5011 (fax)

Billy.Causey at noaa.gov

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