[Coral-List] Mediterranean corals study results

info at mappamondogis.com info at mappamondogis.com
Tue Jan 12 17:40:36 UTC 2010

Dear coral listers,

We would like to inform you about the results of the first study made on Scleractinia corals along the Ionian coast of South Italy, Calabria.

The study was financed by the Marine Protected Area of Capo Rizzuto and conducted by the company Mappamondo GIS in collaboration with Dr. Douglas Fenner.

The aim of the study was to assess the diversity of Scleractinia corals in the area and to observe the health status and competition with invasive algae such as Caulerpa racemosa. Detailed information, data, maps and several pictures of live corals and their skeletons can be found on the following website:


Below a summary of the results.

Kind regards

Francesca Riolo



In the first study ever made of the corals of Capo Rizzuto Marine Protected Area, 10 species of coral were found, seven that do not host symbiotic zooxanthellae algae, two that do, and one that can either host or not host zooxanthellae. One additional species that lacks zooxanthellae was identified from a photograph, for a total of 11 species. This is a relatively good number of species for a relatively short study, and represents 50% of all shallow-water coral species known from the entire Mediterranean. Two species, Paracyathus pulchellus and Polycyathus muellerae, as well as a species identified from the photograph (Astroides calycularis) were not previously reported from the Ionian Sea. The two zooxanthellate species, Balanophyllia europaea and Cladocora caespitosa were found in areas exposed to light, and the first was most common in patches of a species of coralline algae. Fossils of Cladocora caespitosa were found in rocks near the seashore in the town of Le Castella. The azooxanthellate species were found in heavily shaded areas, on overhanging surfaces on the lower edges of boulders, in holes, and on overhanging surfaces of wrecks and vertical surfaces of deep wrecks. Over 20 species of sponges were photographed, as well as other invertebrates such as nudibranchs and bryozoans. Monitoring transects were set up and recorded for one zooxanthellate coral (Balanophyllia europaea) and other classes of organisms inhabiting the substrate, and sizes of another zooxanthellate coral (Cladocora caespitosa) were measured. Photographs of all coral species were taken and a field identification guide produced, including descriptions of the living coral species and their skeletons. The introduced and highly invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea was found at most sites where it was common but not dominant. The quantitative monitoring transects set up will provide a way of monitoring the abundance of this invasive species. 

Species identified: Balanophyllia europaea, Caryophyllia inornata, Cladocora caespitosa, Cladopsammia rolandi, Hoplangia durotrix, Leptopsammia pruvoti, Madracis pharensis, Paracyathus pulchellus, Phyllangia mouchezii, Polycyathus muellerae, Astroides calycularis.




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