[Coral-List] Underwater videos Rigs

Greg Challenger gchallenger at msn.com
Thu Oct 9 21:59:16 UTC 2008

This quote from:
Oil Spills: Impact on the Ocean
Water: Science and Issues<http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_gx5224>,  (2003)<http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_gx5224/is_2003>  by Carolyn Embach<http://findarticles.com/p/search?tb=art&qa=Carolyn+Embach>

"It is estimated that approximately 706 million gallons of waste oil enter the ocean every year, with over half coming from land drainage and waste disposal; for example, from the improper disposal of used motor oil. Offshore drilling and production operations and spills or leaks from ships or tankers typically contribute less than 8 percent of the total. The remainder comes from routine maintenance of ships (nearly 20 percent), hydrocarbon particles from onshore air pollution (about 13 percent), and natural seepage from the seafloor (over 8 percent)."

Prevalence during Drilling versus Transportation

"Offshore oil spills or leaks may occur during various stages of well drilling or workover and repair operations. These stages can occur while oil is being produced from offshore wells, handled, and temporarily stored; or when oil is being transported offshore, either by flowline, underwater pipeline, or tanker. Of the approximately 706 million gallons of waste oil in the ocean each year, offshore drilling operations contribute about 2.1 percent, and transportation accidents (both ships and tankers) account for another 5.2 percent. The amount of oil spilled or leaked during offshore production operations is relatively insignificant."

Greg Challenger

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Steve LeGore<mailto:slegore at mindspring.com> 
  To: Gene Shinn<mailto:eshinn at marine.usf.edu> ; coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov<mailto:coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov> 
  Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 2:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Underwater videos Rigs

  Do I correctly understand that statement to say, Gene, that of all the oil entering the oceans, 95% comes from shipping and land runoff, and that only 5% comes from all other sources -- including offshore production, air emissons, precipitation, etc?  Or am I misunderstanding it?


  -----Original Message-----
  >From: Gene Shinn <eshinn at marine.usf.edu<mailto:eshinn at marine.usf.edu>>
  >Sent: Oct 9, 2008 1:18 PM
  >To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov<mailto:coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>
  >Subject: [Coral-List] Underwater videos Rigs
  >This subject seems to have elicited many thoughtful comments. As for 
  >invasive species I wonder how many rigs are being towed around the 
  >world versus tankers and container ships crisscrossing the oceans?  I 
  >suspect this is another reason why we should find our own energy 
  >rather than have all those ships bring in invasive species. Might 
  >mention that there have been at least two National Academy of 
  >Sciences reports on oil in the oceans. I don't remember the exact 
  >numbers but on an annual basis it around 95% that goes into the 
  >oceans from shipping and land runoff.  Gene
  >No Rocks, No Water, No Ecosystem (EAS)
  >------------------------------------ -----------------------------------
  >E. A. Shinn, Courtesy Professor
  >University of South Florida
  >Marine Science Center (room 204)
  >140 Seventh Avenue South
  >St. Petersburg, FL 33701
  ><eshinn at marine.usf.edu<mailto:eshinn at marine.usf.edu>>
  >Tel 727 553-1158---------------------------------- 
  >Coral-List mailing list
  >Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov

  Steve LeGore, Ph.D.
  LeGore Environmental Associates, Inc.
  2804 Gulf Drive N.
  Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 USA
  Executive Director,
  Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean
  Tel: 941/778-4650
  Fax: 941/778-4650
  Cell: 941/447-8010
  E-mail: slegore at mindspring.com<mailto:slegore at mindspring.com>
  Coral-List mailing list
  Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov<mailto:Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>

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