[Coral-List] Sharpnose Puffer
John Ogden
jogden at marine.usf.edu
Wed Dec 31 15:49:13 UTC 2008
Hi Will,
My guess is that sharpnose puffers have the same type of recruitment as
Bill Gladfelter and I observed for balloonfish (Diodon holocanthus) many
years ago in St. Croix. The larvae are pelagic for a long larval life,
up to a year. During this interval; they slowly gather into huge
schools of many thousands of individuals (about 3cm long) which then
recruit en mass to whatever coastal region is favorable within the time
frame of development. The area then becomes completely flooded with
recruits which gradually disperse and are preyed upon. You could call
this a sort of 17-year locust type of recruitment.
It would be interesting to see if others have observed this type of
recruitment which may be more common than we know.
Happy New Year!
Will Welbourn wrote:
> Hello
> I was wanting to post about the huge population increase I have noted in the
> waters of Roatan Honduras. As a full time dive instructor here for the last
> five years the last six months I have observed an increase of 300-400% in
> the abundance of this fish.
> Anyone know why or what it may indicate?
> Regards
> Will Welbourn, Course Director and Director of Roatan Marine Park
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