[Coral-List] Reminder: "Coral Genomics for the Non-Genomic Scientist" Application DEADLINE January 15, 2009

Cheryl Woodley cheryl.woodley at noaa.gov
Wed Dec 31 01:35:46 UTC 2008

Dear Coral List Members
This is a reminder that the deadline for Applications to attend the 
Coral Genomics Course is JANUARY 15, 2009. Please forward this 
announcement to anyone that may be interested.
Happy New Year.

Original Announcement:
"Coral Genomics for the Non-Genomic Scientist"
Sponsored by NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program & the National
Coral Reef Institute
June 21-27, 2009
USFWS National Conservation Training Center
Shepherdstown, West Virginia

Join us for a 5 day course for Coral Reef Biologists that want to learn
more about Genomics and how to take advantage of this new technology.**

This bioinformatic approach to coral science is designed to introduce
the participants to the tools used to mine genomic information that is
readily available in public databases. Participants will learn the
language of genome scientists and be guided in the use of genomic tools
using available coral data sets to identify protein coding sequences
among libraries of cDNA sequences, explore microbial communities through
their DNA, annotate a gene and delve into the world of microarrays.
/**The only pre-requisite for the course is to be comfortable using a PC

The course is designed around practical problem sets to illustrate each
of the types of data available to today’s coral researcher and provide
the participant with practical experience with real coral data. Accepted
participants will be surveyed to tailor the course content to their needs.

Course topics include:

- What is genome biology?
- Anatomy of a genome project
- post-genomic approaches (i.e. transcriptomics, proteomics,
metabolomics, etc)
- Resources for Coral, Zooxanthellae, and/or Microbial Analysis
- Publicly accessible databases
- Transcriptomics: What is it and how to use it
- New Sequencing Technologies
- High-throughput Tools for Determining Microbial Diversity
- Expression Microarray Analysis

Instructors include: Mónica Medina (University of California, Merced),
Kurt Kwast (University of Illinois, Urbana), Shawn Polson (University of
Delaware), Mónica Muñoz Torres (Georgetown University), Shini Sunagawa
(University of California, Merced), Jóse Lopez (NOVA Southeastern

/Application deadline: January 15th, 2009
Notification of acceptance: March 1st, 2009/

Information and Application Forms are available at the National Coral
Reef Institute website: http://www.nova.edu/ncri/

A direct link to the workshop page is:


Cheryl Woodley, Ph.D.
Coral Health and Disease Program

Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research
Hollings Marine Laboratory
331 Fort Johnson Rd
Charleston, SC 29412
843.762.8862 Phone
843.762.8737 Fax
cheryl.woodley at noaa.gov

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