[Coral-List] Questions from the coal face

RainbowWarriorsInternational southern_caribbean at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 24 15:41:48 UTC 2008

Dear Chris,

You may want to start with looking at: http://www.reefbase.org/socmon/

In addition there are plenty of resources dealing with quota fishing,
monitored by local communities themselves, both FAO and Greenpeace have
reported on these issues.

You may also look up web sites dealing with ecosystem based management
of coastal resources that deal with this issue. In the Caribbean there
are several areas for which this has been documented, e.g. the
Meso-American Reef.

I have a not updated list of useful portals for all issues related to
integrated coastal zone management and fisheries. I may be able to
update this and send you the list within the next two weeks.

Milton Ponson, President
Rainbow Warriors Core Foundation
(Rainbow Warriors International) Tel. +297 568 5908
PO Box 1154, Oranjestad 
Aruba, Dutch Caribbean 
Email: southern_caribbean at yahoo.com Web Sites: http://www.southerncaribbean..org   http://www.rainbowwarriors.net (Global)

To unite humanity in a global society dedicated to a sustainable way of life

--- On Tue, 12/23/08, chris at oceanswatch.org <chris at oceanswatch.org> wrote:
From: chris at oceanswatch.org <chris at oceanswatch.org>
Subject: [Coral-List] Questions from the coal face
To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
Date: Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 12:29 PM

We at www.oceanswatch.org are in the business of empowering local communities to
manage their marine resources to ensure a sustainable protein supply into the
future. We do this through education, encouragement and by providing resources
such as equipment that allows them to do their own monitoring.

We work with communities in developing countries and our end goal is to
establish small marine reserves as well as putting in place other management
practices to protect the ecosystem. All the areas where we work are within the
tropics so have reef systems.

I am NOT an academic, nor can OceansWatch afford to employ one. I occasionally
have questions that need academic input so I hope that the List will be happy
for me to post these here. Thank you.

Ok first question :)  We work at village level. Typically a village might
control from just 1/2 a mile to a few miles of coastline and reef. The villages
are very autonomous. With such a small area available within which to establish
a reserve (Tabu area) the question that keeps arising for me is "what's
the smallest area that's worth protecting" The area has to be small
enough that the village will not be under too much pressure due to the decrease
in available fishing area yet big enough to have a measurable effect within 2-5
years. Can someone please direct me at some on-line resources that address this

Thank you,

Chris Bone
Coral-List mailing list
Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov


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