[Coral-List] Field research opportunity available in Port Douglas, Australia

Undersea Explorer Bio bio at undersea.com.au
Tue Dec 23 06:04:03 UTC 2008

The Undersea Explorer is pleased to announce the availability of research
spots on 3 and 6 day dive trips on the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea.
Undersea Explorer is a liveaboard scuba diving operation based in Port
Douglas, Australia, that combines adventure diving with marine research and
education. We harness the tourist dollar to undertake, facilitate, and
promote research which contributes to knowledge and conservation of marine
ecosystems, as well as creating informative and adventure experiences for
divers. Research on Undersea Explorer has been undertaken in different
disciplines and has had varied focuses (e.g. minke whales, sharks, octopus,
nautilus, corals, water quality, diver impacts and tourism guidelines) The
five member crew includes a marine biologist, and research activities fit
around the diving program, adding a stimulating atmosphere of discovery to
all expeditions. 
Undersea relies on its income from dive tourism to support your research.
Our itinerary is somewhat flexible and can accommodate certain special
research needs, but our first priority must be to our paying guests. Please
bear in mind that the usual itinerary rarely allows for more than one dive
at each site on any one trip; however night dives are usually carried out at
sites visited in daylight. Many sites are visited repeatedly on consecutive

Invited researchers will be required to:

1.	Present a 20-40 minute oral presentation related to their research
whilst onboard Undersea Explorer, 
2.	While on board, interact with crew and passengers in a friendly,
informative, and collaborative manner. 
3.	Provide Undersea Explorer with information on the outcomes of the
project, in the form of either a short report, an information
booklet/leaflet for guests, or a poster which may be displayed on the
Undersea Explorer. 
4.	Acknowledge Undersea Explorer in published materials, and send
copies of published material from the project.
5.	Follow safety regulations related to boating, diving or other water
related activities that are established by the university or institution to
which the researcher is related, and also conform to the Queensland
Workplace Health & Safety Compressed Air  Recreational Diving and
Recreational Snorkelling Code of Practice
6.	Pay clean fuel levy and EMC charges.for each trip on board Undersea

For detailed information on applying for our research positions, please
visit www.undersea.com.au. If you have any questions, please email Qamar
Schuyler at bio at undersea.com.au.

Qamar Schuyler
Research Coordinator
Undersea Explorer
Adventure Diving and Research Expeditions
PO Box 615, Port Douglas, Qld, Australia 4877
P+ 61 (0)7 40995911 F+ 61 (0)7 40995914
www.undersea.co <http://www.undersea.com.au/> m.au 

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