[Coral-List] Fwd: Diving for Science 2009

Shearer, Tonya L tonya.shearer at biology.gatech.edu
Fri Dec 19 13:25:59 UTC 2008

----- Forwarded Message ----- 
From: "Alma Wagner" <aaus at disl.org> 
To: "tonya shearer" <tonya.shearer at biology.gatech.edu> 
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 3:25:55 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Diving for Science 2009 

Diving for Science 2009 

Please consider our invitation to participate in the upcoming 28th Annual Symposium of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences hosted by the Georgia Aquarium on March 13 th - 14 th , 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Researchers, Diving Safety Officers, Students and Technicians are invited to contribute and present their work involving the use of diving technologies or involving diving medicine, physiology, theory, techniques, training, standards, or developing technologies. Presentations from all areas of underwater science are welcome. As is the custom for AAUS, full papers are required for all presentations. These will be published in the ISBN-indexed proceedings of the meeting. It is expected that some papers will be brief (minimum 2000 words) and may focus on the diving methods of central interest to the Academy to avoid compromising the ability to publish research data in peer-reviewed journals. 

The new and final deadline for abstract submission (150-250 words) is January 15 th , 2009 and can be submitted via email to aaus at disl.org . Notification of acceptance of abstract will be returned on or before January 22 nd , 2009. Visit http://www.aaus.org or contact Neal Pollock (neal.pollock at duke..edu) for more information. 

Please feel free to forward to all interested parties and thank you for your help in making this a successful meeting. 

Christian McDonald 

Diving Safety Officer, Scripps Institution of Oceanography 

President-Elect, American Academy of Underwater Sciences 

858-534-2002 office 

858-245-6979 cell 

cmcdonald at ucsd.edu 

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Tonya Shearer, PhD 
Research Scientist II 
Georgia Institute of Technology 
School of Biology 
310 Ferst Dr. 
Atlanta, GA  30332-0230 

tonya.shearer at biology.gatech.edu 
(404) 385-4434 
(404) 385-4440 (fax) 

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