[Coral-List] New reef book

Zoe Richards zoe.richards at jcu.edu.au
Tue Dec 16 23:29:36 UTC 2008

Hello coral-list,

A new Indo-Pacific coral reef book has just been released:
Biology, Environment and Management
Edited by: Pat Hutchings, Mike Kingsford & Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is 344,400 square kilometres in size and is home to one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. This comprehensive guide describes the organisms and ecosystems of the Great Barrier Reef, as well as the biological, chemical and physical processes that influence them. Contemporary pressing issues such as climate change, coral bleaching, coral disease and the challenges of coral reef fisheries are also discussed. 
In addition, the book includes a field guide that will help people to identify the common animals and plants on the reef, then to delve into the book to learn more about the roles the biota play. 
Beautifully illustrated and with contributions from 33 international experts, The Great Barrier Reef is a must-read for the interested reef tourist, student, researcher and environmental manager. While it has an Australian focus, it can equally be used as a baseline text for most Indo-Pacific coral reefs. 
Available in Australia from CSIRO PUBLISHING: www.publish.csiro.au
Available in New Zealand from Manaaki Whenua Press: www.mwpress.co.nz 
Available elsewhere through Springer: www.springer.com 

Professor Michael J. Kingsford
School of Marine and Tropical Biology,
James Cook University,
Townsville, Australia QLD 4811
ph 61 (0) 7 4781 4345
FAX  61 (0) 7 4781 5511
CRICOS Provider Code 00117 J
ABN 4625321195

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