[Coral-List] Coral Reef Conservation Fund RFP Postponed

Stephanie Pendergrass Stephanie.Pendergrass at NFWF.ORG
Fri Dec 12 17:09:22 UTC 2008

Coral Reef Conservation Fund Call for Proposals - Postponed

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's (NFWF) traditional fall request for proposals to the Coral Reef Conservation Fund (CRCF) for projects that build public-private partnerships to reduce and prevent degradation of coral reefs has been postponed.  NFWF and its partner agency the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are restructuring CRCF priorities and expect to announce a solicitation for this revised funding opportunity in summer or fall of 2009.  For more information, contact Stephanie Pendergrass (Stephanie.Pendergrass at nfwf.org<mailto:Stephanie.Pendergrass at nfwf.org>) or Michelle Pico (Michelle.Pico at nfwf.org<mailto:Michelle.Pico at nfwf.org>)..

Stephanie Pendergrass
Assistant Director, Marine Programs
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
1133 Fifteenth St., N.W.
Suite 1100
Washington, D.C. 20005
202-857-0166 (main)
202-595-2469 (direct)
202-857-0162 (fax)
stephanie.pendergrass at nfwf.org

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