[Coral-List] Ph.D. Research Opportunity in Marine Calcification and Global Change at UNC - Chapel Hill
Justin B. Ries
jries at whoi.edu
Thu Dec 11 18:08:04 UTC 2008
Ph.D. Research Opportunity in Marine Calcification and Global Climate Change at
UNC - Chapel Hill
The Ries Laboratory (http://marine.unc.edu/people/Faculty/ries) in the
Department of Marine Sciences at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
seeks a doctoral student interested in conducting research on the relationship
between global ocean-climate change and marine calcification, to begin Fall
2009. Research will include field investigations of modern (e.g., coral reefs)
and/or ancient (e.g., limestones) carbonate systems coupled with laboratory
calcification experiments. This opportunity affords access to state-of-the-art
analytical equipment, including LA-ICPMS for trace element analysis, XRD for
mineralogical characterization, isotope mass spectrometry for ä34S, ä13C, and
ä18O, and SEM with microprobe for micro-imaging and elemental mapping. In
addition to completing coursework in the four core oceanographic disciplines -
geological, chemical, biological, and physical oceanography the selected
doctoral student will receive in-depth training in carbonate geochemistry,
carbonate sedimentology, biomineralization, global ocean-climate change, and
paleoceanography, which will directly support his/her research objectives.. The
student will also have access to the Departments coastal laboratory in
Morehead City, NC the UNC Institute of Marine Science. Highly motivated and
creative individuals with strong analytical skills are encouraged to apply.
Complete application information is available at
http://marine.unc.edu/students/grad/. Please direct specific inquiries to
Justin Ries at jries at unc.edu.
Justin B. Ries, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Marine Science
Department of Marine Sciences
333 Chapman Hall, CB #3300
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Office phone: (919) 962-0269
Cell phone: (919) 536-9070
Fax: (919) 962-1254
jries at unc.edu
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