[Coral-List] Ph.D. Research Opportunity in Marine Calcification and Global Change at UNC - Chapel Hill

Justin B. Ries jries at whoi.edu
Thu Dec 11 18:08:04 UTC 2008

Ph.D. Research Opportunity in Marine Calcification and Global Climate Change at
UNC - Chapel Hill

The Ries Laboratory (http://marine.unc.edu/people/Faculty/ries) in the
Department of Marine Sciences at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
seeks a doctoral student interested in conducting research on the relationship
between global ocean-climate change and marine calcification, to begin Fall
2009. Research will include field investigations of modern (e.g., coral reefs)
and/or ancient (e.g., limestones) carbonate systems coupled with laboratory
calcification experiments. This opportunity affords access to state-of-the-art
analytical equipment, including LA-ICPMS for trace element analysis, XRD for
mineralogical characterization, isotope mass spectrometry for ä34S, ä13C, and
ä18O, and SEM with microprobe for micro-imaging and elemental mapping. In
addition to completing coursework in the four core oceanographic disciplines -
geological, chemical, biological, and physical oceanography – the selected
doctoral student will receive in-depth training in carbonate geochemistry,
carbonate sedimentology, biomineralization, global ocean-climate change, and
paleoceanography, which will directly support his/her research objectives.. The
student will also have access to the Department’s coastal laboratory in
Morehead City, NC – the UNC Institute of Marine Science. Highly motivated and
creative individuals with strong analytical skills are encouraged to apply.
Complete application information is available at
http://marine.unc.edu/students/grad/.  Please direct specific inquiries to
Justin Ries at jries at unc.edu.

Justin B. Ries, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Marine Science
Department of Marine Sciences
333 Chapman Hall, CB #3300
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Office phone: (919) 962-0269
Cell phone: (919) 536-9070
Fax: (919) 962-1254
jries at unc.edu

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