[Coral-List] Job: Laboratory Technician

Howard Lasker hlasker at nsm.buffalo.edu
Wed Dec 10 16:00:19 UTC 2008

Laboratory Technician, University at Buffalo  -  I am looking for an 
assistant to work on an NSF sponsored project on the population ecology 
of Caribbean octocorals. Laboratory work will include DNA extraction, 
PCR, gel quantification, genotyping using a LiCor DNA sequencer, cloning 
and analysis of genotypic and sequence data. The work also will include 
maintaining a laboratory database, general laboratory tasks, and 
supervising students working in the lab. Fieldwork will involve research 
scuba diving from research vessels or small boats, and will include 
collecting samples, population surveys and monitoring recruitment 

Applicants must have the appropriate citizenship/visa status to work in 
the U.S. and should have at least a Bachelor's degree and experience 
with population genetic and molecular systematic techniques. The 
assistant must be able to meet University at Buffalo and American 
Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) standards for certification as a 
research diver.

Questions regarding the position should be directed to Dr. Howard Lasker 
(hlasker at buffalo.edu <mailto:hlasker at buffalo.edu> - 716-645-3489 x184)

Additional information can be found at www.ubjobs.buffalo.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=52391 <http://www.ubjobs.buffalo.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=52391>   

Applications must be submitted through the University’s UBJobs website (posting #0800534)- 


The Research Foundation is an EEO/AA Employer. 

Howard R. Lasker
   Director, Graduate Program in Evolution, Ecology & Behavior
   Professor, Department of Geology

Mailing Address:
   Graduate Program in Evolution, Ecology & Behavior
   876 Natural Sciences Complex
   University at Buffalo    
   Buffalo, NY 14260-3050

   443 Hochstetter Hall 

Laboratory (shipping address): 
   474 Hochstetter Hall
   University at Buffalo–North Campus
   Buffalo, NY 14260-3050

Phone:       Office  (716) 645-3489 x 184
             Lab     (716) 645-3489 x 185
Fax:                 (716) 645-3999
Website: http://www.geology.buffalo.edu/people/faculty/lasker.shtml

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