[Coral-List] Looking for reviews on the energy flow through coral reef ecosystems

John Ogden jogden at marine.usf.edu
Mon Dec 8 15:50:46 UTC 2008

Hi Mike:

None of this is recent, but I suggest looking at Caroline Roger's 
publications on reef metabolism in Puerto Rico which took off from the 
Odum and Odum (1955) upstream-downstream work on Eniwetak.  Also check 
the SYMBIOS expedition which re-occupied the Odum's transect in 1971.  I 
recall a paper much later in BioScience.  Finally and most obscurely, 
there was an ecosystem project planning effort (CITRE, I forget the 
acronym) at Glover's Reef, Belize in the early 1970s that failed as a 
proposal to NSF, but resulted in an interesting report which somebody on 
the list may have access to.


Michael Arvedlund wrote:
> Dear everybody,
> I am currently finalizing a new ecology book for Danish college
> students, in collaboration with a major Danish student book publisher.
> For the first time ever, there will be a major chapter on the ecology of
> tropical coral reefs.
> However, I find it a bit difficult to obtain recent reviews on the
> energy flow through the trophic levels of a tropical shallow coral reef
> ecosystem. Maybe I am looking in the wrong places.
> Would anyone be able to help me, please? Recent diagrams, drawings and
> relevant web pages are also of very high interests.
> Looking forward to hear from you on this matter.
> Please contact me via my e-mail: arvedlund at speedpost.net
> Cheers, Mike
> ***************************************************
> Michael Arvedlund MSc PhD CICS
> Reef Consultants
> Rådmand Steins Allé 16A, 2-208
> 2000 Frederiksberg Denmark
> E-Mail:       arvedlund at speedpost.net
> Skype:       Michael Arvedlund
> Homepage: http://www.bricksite.com/reefconsultants
> Telephone:  (+45)-7741-4696
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