[Coral-List] Fish and other ID books

Michael Harvey mharvey1 at shaw.ca
Fri Dec 5 23:44:50 UTC 2008

Thank you all who generously replied to my question for recommended 
identification books for tropical fish and inverts. The following were 

Paul Humann and Ned Deloach. Caribbean fish, coral, and invertebrate 
identification books (3 separate volumes). (The 2nd edition of the fish 
book has more pics and descriptions of juvenile stages.)

Allen, Steene & Humann. Reef Fish Identification - Tropical Pacific 
(ISBN-10: 1878348361). (with photos rather than pictures).

The above are available at the REEF online store: 

Stokes, F. T., 1980, Handguide to Coral Reef Fishes of the Caribbean.

Peterson Field Guides: Atlantic Coast Fishes (ISBN #0-395-97515-8)

For the Indian Ocean:

John E. Randall.  Diver's Guide to Fishes of Maldives.

Rudie H. Kuiter, 2001. Photo Guide to Fishes of the Maldives 
(Springfield Atoll Editions).

Debelius (1993), and Anderson (2005) - Reef Fishes of the Maldives.

Helmut Debelius. Indian Ocean Reef Guide: Maldives, Sri Lanka, Thailand, 
South Africa. (He also does corals, nudibranchs, sharks, crustacea).

Gerald R. Allen. Marine Fishes of Tropical Australia and South-east 
Asia: A Field Guide for Anglers and Divers.

Neville Coleman. A Guide to the Marine Life of the Maldives.

Gerald R. Allen. Indo Pacific Coral Reef Guide.

Andrea & Antonella Ferrari. A diver's guide to Reef Life. (1200 species 

Richmond, M.D. (ed.) (2002) A Field Guide to the Seashores of Eastern 
Africa and the Western Indian Ocean Islands. Sida/SAREC – UDSM. pp. 461. 
[this is an all-taxa biology and taxonomy text as much as an ident. book]

Lieske, E. and Myers, R. (2001, later edition available). Coral Reef 
Fishes of the Indo-Pacific and Caribbean. Collins pocket guide, London. 
pp. 400. (Illustrated rather than photos but it has more fish than most 
of the others.)

Randall, J.E. Reef and Shore Fishes of the South Pacific: New Caledonia 
to Tahiti and the Pitcairn Islands.

Gerry Allen and Roger Steene. Reef Fishes of the Indian Ocean: A 
Pictorial Guide to the Common Reef Fishes of the Indian Ocean (Pacific 
Marine Fishes).

Robert F. Myers. Micronesian Reef Fishes, 2nd edition (hard cover).

Smith's Sea Fishes edited by Margaret Smith and Phil Heemstra. It is a 
comprehensive compilation of the shallow water (-200 m) fish species of 
the Western Indian Ocean.

A fish identification manual is in prep. for the fishes of the Bay of 
Bengal (Western Indian Ocean). It will be out by mid December 08.

For learning about reefs:

Reef Life by Tackett & Tackett
The Coral Reef (Angelo Mojetta)
Corals - Indo Pacific Field Guide (Erhardt & Knop)
Reef by scubazoo (Dorling Kindersley)

Michael Harvey
Victoria, Canada

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