[Coral-List] Advise on the effects of tricaine methanesulfonateon coral reef
Tupper, Mark (WorldFish)
M.Tupper at CGIAR.ORG
Wed Dec 3 03:05:05 UTC 2008
Dear Taratau,
I have used MS-222 to capture small juvenile groupers and Maori
(humphead) wrasse. I did some test plots first with MS-222, quinaldine
sulfate and clove oil to look for any negative impacts on corals or
other invertebrates and found no impacts for any of the 3 chemicals.
Those tests involved a dose of 75g/l MS-222 (the dose I used to capture
young-of-the-year fish from 25-50 mm total length). If higher doses are
used for larger fish, I don't know what the effects on the reef might
be. I didn't find MS-222 to be very effective for capturing fish,
compared to quinaldine or clove oil. Clove oil worked best but was
prohibitively expensive for the large-scale project I was doing, so I
ended up using quinaldine. I did use MS-222 for anesthetizing larger
fish for acoustic tag implantation. It worked well as an anesthetic for
captured fish held in a cooler, but it seemed to disperse too quickly to
be effective for capturing free-swimming fish.
Hope this helps,
Dr. Mark H. Tupper
Scientist - Coral Reefs & Reef Fisheries
The WorldFish Center
Los Banos, Laguna, PHILIPPINES
Tel +632 580-5659 (2889) GMT +8
Mobile +63 917-524-0864
Reducing poverty and hunger by improving fisheries and aquaculture.
-----Original Message-----
From: coral-list-bounces at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
[mailto:coral-list-bounces at coral.aoml.noaa.gov] On Behalf Of Taratau
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 9:14 AM
To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Advise on the effects of tricaine
methanesulfonateon coral reef
Dear all,
I am emailing to ask what are the effects of the chemical tricaine
methanesulfonate also known as FINQUEL or MS-222 on the coral reef
environment if used in the Live Reef Fish Food Trade to catch fish e.g.
groupers and maori wrasse.
Best regards,
Taratau Kirata
Fisheries Officer
Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources Development
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