[Coral-List] NOAA Coral Reef International Strategy--Resend

Kacky.Andrews at noaa.gov Kacky.Andrews at noaa.gov
Wed Dec 3 01:01:08 UTC 2008

Trying again due to a email malfunction . . .

Dear Coral Community,

As you may know, last year the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) underwent an external review to assess its effectiveness in conserving coral reefs. A major recommendation from the review was to expand NOAA support and leadership for international coral reef conservation. As a response, the CRCP is assessing future direction for its international program, which is currently implemented primarily through the NOAA International Coral Grants program and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Coral Reef Conservation Fund.

Over the next four months NOAA will work with federal agency and NGO partners to draft a new CRCP International Strategy. During this period we are seeking input from the broader coral reef community, particularly former and current international coral grantees, to help us identify regional needs and priorities and articulate goals and objectives.

There are three opportunities to engage in the process:

Phase 1:  We are asking for identification regional needs assessments to identify the most pressing regional threats, gaps, needs and/or solutions.  Please identify any regional needs assessments that have been completed and email these directly to Scot.Frew at noaa.gov or Christy.Loper at noaa.gov by Wednesday, December 10 (please do not “reply all” on this listserve). Examples include Reefs at Risk, Caribbean (2004) and the draft Coral Triangle Initiative Regional Plan of Action.

Phase 2:  Follow the development of the International Coral Strategy via the CRCP webpage:
http://www.coralreef.noaa.gov/wgroups/welcome.html.  Notes of working group meetings and interim products will be posted regularly. You may provide input or suggestions along the way by emailing Christy or Scot.

Phase 3:  Review and comment on the draft CRCP International Strategy, anticipated in March 2009.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact Scot.Frew at noaa.gov or Christy.Loper at noaa.gov

Kacky Andrews
Program Manager
NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program

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