[Coral-List] Invertebrate Zoologist Position
Charles Booth
booth at easternct.edu
Tue Dec 2 16:32:17 UTC 2008
This position may be of interest to some Coral-List subscribers:
Invertebrate Zoologist Position
Department of Biology
Eastern Connecticut State University
Willimantic, CT 06226
Tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Biology Department, Eastern
Connecticut State University, starting Fall 2009. Ph.D., with expertise in
invertebrate zoology (non-insect; marine or freshwater background preferred)
and broad knowledge of organismal biology. Post-doctoral experience
preferred. The successful candidate will demonstrate an aptitude for
teaching undergraduates; teach introductory organismal biology and
upper-level invertebrate zoology for biology majors; teach courses in the
University's liberal arts core curriculum and first-year program; and
develop a research program involving undergraduates. An opportunity to
participate in the Tropical Biology program is available. Additional
expectations include academic advisement, service to the university, and
continued professional development. Send CV, transcript of all graduate
work, a statement of teaching philosophy and research interests,
documentation of teaching ability, and three current letters of
recommendation to Dr. Charles E. Booth, Biology Department, Eastern
Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT 06226. Search will continue
until position is filled. ECSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
* * * * * * *
Dr. Charles E. Booth
Dept. of Biology
Eastern Connecticut State University
Willimantic, CT 06226
Ph: 860-465-5260
Email: booth at easternct.edu
FAX: 860-465-5213
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