[Coral-List] PADI dive instructor offers free courses

leila cara leilacara at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 1 21:00:31 UTC 2008

 My name is Leila and I recently returned from Vanuatu and PNG. While I was in Vanuatu I taught an open water scuba diving course to locals so that they could protect their reefs. I was hoping to teach in PNG and we had a request but scheduling got in the way. After lifving in Thailand for 7 years and seeing how locals could not afford to learn to dive in their own country, I have been trying to get involved with locals protecting local waters on SCUBA. I can teach through PADI divemaster. Due to a hand injury I got in a knife attack in PNG, I don't have a lot of money for airfares at the moment but would still like to offer free certifications in any way pissible to locals to protect and monitor their reefs. Please write to me if you have any dive education needs through PADI as the sertifying agency. I really like to see locals protecting and being divemasters on their own reefs. If there is any way I can help my email is leilacara at yahoo.com
Thank you, Leila


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