[Coral-List] Worm ID, Taxonomy help

The Frog Princess shekissesfrogs at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 23 16:59:56 UTC 2007

It's probably a Nereid.. 
Heres a really good link.

Scroll down to the Nereids, and the title links to a page to help you identify down to the species. 

Rachel D'Silva <rachdsilva at yahoo.com> wrote: Dear Coral List readers,
  I am a new member of this list and it seems like a good place to get some help. I am a MPhil student with my project in Discovery Bay, Jamaica. I have found a worm on some of my coral samples. Can anyone help me identify it? You can view the photos on the web link below.
  Thanks a lot.
  Rachel D'Silva
  MPhil Student- University of the West Indies

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