[Coral-List] tank experiments with corals

Matt Bjornson mbjornson at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 13:58:31 UTC 2007


It really is dependent upon which species you intend to keep.  Lighting
requirements for the Acroporids are much higher than many other species.
Could you be a bit more specific on which species?

Generally, there are a couple of options,

- Metal Halide, depending upon the lighting requirements of the corals you
intend on studying will determine the wattage, 175 - 1000 watts are
possible. The bulbs on the market today have various spectrums from 5500K to
over 20000k.  Which ballast you use will influence PAR and the end spectral
- Some form of florescent of which the most commonly used include T5, VHO,
Power Compacts  These vary in efficiency (T5 being the most efficient) and

Ultimately, it depends on which species you intend on keeping.



On 6/28/07, Monika Wilhelm <monika.wilhelm at uni-rostock.de> wrote:
> Dear all,
> as part of my master thesis on Reunion Island, I want to carry out tank
> experiments with corals under  high temperature and light stress
> conditions.
> Facilities here are rather basic, so I'm seeking your advice on
> maintaining corals for 1-2 month with low budget equipment.
> I'm facing the following problems:
> There is an opportunity to work with tanks supplied with running
> seawater, but we can't afford the right equipment to heat up the water
> in an open system. We have thought about working in closed systems
> instead, but this doesn't seem trivial either. Another problem is an
> artificial light source, which again needs to be cheap yet spectrally
> close to natural sunlight.
> I would welcome any advice from people who have some experience with
> maintaining corals, especially concerning equipments and ways to keep
> costs low.
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Monika
> Monika Wilhelm
> Graduate Biology Student
> University of Rostock/ Laboratoire d'Ecologie marine
> Germany/ Reunion Island (France)
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