[Coral-List] Evolution of parasitic gastropods and coral hosts

Hoeksema, B.W. Hoeksema at naturalis.nl
Wed Feb 28 16:58:36 UTC 2007

Dear colleagues,

The PhD-thesis by Adriaan Gittenberger (2006) is available online:
The evolutionary history of parasitic gastropods and their coral hosts in the Indo-Pacific

This publication deals mainly with mushroom corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae), wentletrap snails (Epitoniidae), and endolithic coralliophilids (Leptoconchus spp).

Best regards,

Dr. Bert W. Hoeksema
Head, Department of Zoology / Coordinator Marine Research
National Museum of Natural History Naturalis
Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR  Leiden
P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA  Leiden
The Netherlands
Tel. +31.71.5687631
Fax +31.71.5687666
E-mail: Hoeksema at naturalis.nnm.nl

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