[Coral-List] zooxanthellae population dynamics data

wintersg at post.tau.ac.il wintersg at post.tau.ac.il
Mon Nov 6 09:31:23 UTC 2006

Hello to all those on the list that have zooxanthellae population dynamics data
(from past and present. While it has been shown that seasonal changes in
populations of zooxanthellae are correlated with seasonal changes in nutrients
(Fagonee et al. 1999), temperature (e.g. Shenkar et al. 2006), or maybe both
(Fitt et al. 2000, Warner et al. 2002), the story might be more complicated,
with driving forces at different locations being different.

Here at Eilat, we have data for temperature, light, and nutrients together with
cell density, algal pigment content etc (for 2004-2005).

Is anyone out there interested in sharing data for a maybe global approach to
this fundamental question ?

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