[Coral-List] Caribbean Heating Up? - winds appear...cooling begins

Alan E Strong Alan.E.Strong at noaa.gov
Tue May 31 14:27:17 UTC 2005

The Trades have finally arrived!!!


Surface heating in the Caribbean over the past week has been mixed with 
subsurface waters thereby substantially cooling what we have been 
observing from satellite SST.  Nevertheless, with all this heat 
accumulating in the water column we continue to have concern for some 
bleaching during the summer until the sun moves south of the Equator.....


Alan E Strong wrote:

> We are presently watching the Caribbean begin its 2005 summer warm-up 
> in the most southern reaches of this Sea....
> So far, for this time in late May, the thermal stress appears to be 
> building up at an unprecedented rate.  This is since we have been 
> watching HotSpots and DHWs evolve (since 1997)....stay tuned....
> Reports appreciated....our Automated Satellite Bleaching Alerts (SBAs) 
> scheduled to begin this summer!!
> Regards,
> Al Strong
> Coral Reef Watch
>Coral-List mailing list
>Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov

**** <>< ******* <>< ******* <>< ******* <>< ******* 
Alan E. Strong  
Branch Chief, Marine Ecosystem and Climate Branch (MECB)
Coral Reef Watch Project Coordinator
Phys Scientist/Oceanographer 
  NOAA Science Center -- RM 601 
  5200 Auth Road
  Camp Springs, MD 20746-4304 
        Alan.E.Strong at noaa.gov
             301-763-8102 x170   [Tues-Thurs]
             301-713-2857 x108   [Mon & Fri]
                (SSMC1 - RM 5304; Silver Spring, MD)  
              FAX: 301-763-8572

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