[Coral-List] Caribbean Heating Up?
scott.stripling at noaa.gov
Thu May 26 19:25:17 UTC 2005
Even further than the reduced upwelling has been an anomalously weak
Gulf Stream
and subsequent western boundary current circulation this past winter,
and in general
terms since last summer, when Frances really put a blocking mechanism on the
Gulf Stream flow. See http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/floridacurrent/
This is partially due to a surface low pressure anomaly across the
western Atlantic
this past winter, and has acted to block the upstream flow into the
Caribbean as well,
affecting the entire Atlantic gyre. There is a huge pool of anomalously
warm water
in the upper layer east through northeast of the Lesser Antilles that
extends out
into the central Atlantic.
Scott Stripling
Carolina, Puerto Rico
Frank Muller-Karger wrote:
>al-the caribbean is experiencing an anomalously low trade wind this year.
>this has inhibited upwelling along its southern margin.
>______________ FMK ________________
>Frank Muller-Karger
>Institute for Marine Remote Sensing
>College of Marine Science
>University of South Florida
>140 7th Ave. South
>St Petersburg, FL 33701
> (727) 553-3335 Office
> (727) 553-1186 Lab.
> (727) 553-1103 FAX
><< carib at marine.usf.edu >>
><< http://imars.marine.usf.edu>>
>On Wed, 25 May 2005, Alan E Strong wrote:
>>We are presently watching the Caribbean begin its 2005 summer warm-up in
>>the most southern reaches of this Sea....
>>So far, for this time in late May, the thermal stress appears to be
>>building up at an unprecedented rate. This is since we have been
>>watching HotSpots and DHWs evolve (since 1997)....stay tuned....
>>Reports appreciated....our Automated Satellite Bleaching Alerts (SBAs)
>>scheduled to begin this summer!!
>>Al Strong
>>Coral Reef Watch
>>**** <>< ******* <>< ******* <>< ******* <>< *******
>>Alan E. Strong
>>Branch Chief, Marine Ecosystem and Climate Branch (MECB)
>>Coral Reef Watch Project Coordinator
>>Phys Scientist/Oceanographer
>> NOAA Science Center -- RM 601
>> 5200 Auth Road
>> Camp Springs, MD 20746-4304
>> Alan.E.Strong at noaa.gov
>> 301-763-8102 x170 [Tues-Thurs]
>> 301-713-2857 x108 [Mon & Fri]
>> (SSMC1 - RM 5304; Silver Spring, MD)
>> FAX: 301-763-8572
>> http://coralreefwatch.noaa.gov/
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