[Coral-List] Re: Junior Researcher Position
Jennifer E Smith
jesmith at hawaii.edu
Thu May 26 00:30:35 UTC 2005
Aloha Colleagues,
Apologies for cross posting. Please see the following job announcement
at the University of Hawaii and pass onto anyone you think may be
Junior Researcher
The Botany Department at the University of Hawaii at Manoa invites
applications to fill a one year Junior Researcher position to conduct
research in the area of marine community ecology and ecophysiology of
bloom forming seaweeds. Additional funding depends upon availability
of federal funds for a multidisciplinary project that examine the
roles of physical (nutrients and geochemical cycling) and biological
factors as influences for the formation and persistence of benthic
algal blooms in waters of coastal Maui. Duties include leading
graduate students and undergraduates in the field and laboratory
experiments. Field work includes monitoring sites with SCUBA and
conducting experiments in situ. Lab work includes growth and
physiological experiments with bloom forming algal species.
Researcher will be responsible for managing and analyzing data and
preparing and submitting manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed
Minimum Qualifications: Master’s Degree in marine botany, marine
biology, ecology, or equivalent. Demonstrated working knowledge of
tropical seaweed taxonomy. AAUS certified scientific SCUBA diver or
Desirable Qualifications: Ph.D. in marine botany, marine biology,
ecology, or equivalent. Experience working with teams of researchers,
knowledge of PAM fluorescence and plant physiology, working knowledge
of GIS.
Other conditions: Temporary, Full-time, Federal funds to begin
approximately June 2005 to June 2006.
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
To apply: Send curriculum vitae, statement of research goals and
contact information for three referees to: Dr. Celia Smith,
Department of Botany, University of Hawai’i, 3190 Maile Way, Honolulu
HI 96822. Contact phone: 808-956-6947. Contact email:
celia at hawaii.edu. Electronic applications can be sent to:
celia at hawaii.edu
Review of applications will begin June 6 2005 and continue until the
position is filled. The University of Hawai'i is an Affirmative
Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.
Jennifer E. Smith, Ph.D.
Junior Researcher
Department of Botany
University of Hawaii Manoa
3190 Maile Way
Honolulu, HI 96822
office: 808-956-3943
fax: 808-956-3923
email: jesmith at hawaii.edu
Web: http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/researcher/smith/My%
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