[Coral-List] Indian Ocean 2005 Bleaching Events

Alan E Strong Alan.E.Strong at noaa.gov
Wed May 18 16:26:44 UTC 2005


I have lost who it was that first noted this might be an exceptionally 
warm year for the Indian Ocean with potentially some significant 
bleaching....well....it appears this was a good forecast!!  Someone 
should get a gold star!!

Now that the warm water event, that spanned the months from first 4 
months of 2005, appears to have weakened with the sun moving into the 
northern hemisphere, we have noted at Coral Reef Watch that 
accumulations of stress (Degree Heating Weeks - DHWs) were indeed near 
record level during that time.  The following links let you quickly 
recall the most recent DHW (Feb-Mar-Apr) for 2005


and compare it with the previous (and still record) 1998 event.


All the reports we have accumulated certainly verify what the SSTs have 
been telling us....thats to those who have submitted this valuable 
on-sight information.

Al Strong
Coral Reef Watch

**** <>< ******* <>< ******* <>< ******* <>< ******* 
Alan E. Strong  
Branch Chief, Marine Ecosystem and Climate Branch (MECB)
Coral Reef Watch Project Coordinator
Phys Scientist/Oceanographer 
  NOAA Science Center -- RM 601 
  5200 Auth Road
  Camp Springs, MD 20746-4304 
        Alan.E.Strong at noaa.gov
             301-763-8102 x170   [Tues-Thurs]
             301-713-2857 x108   [Mon & Fri]
                (SSMC1 - RM 5304; Silver Spring, MD)  
              FAX: 301-763-8572

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