[Coral-List] Summer internship research positions for coral reef work in Key Largo, FL

Szmant, Alina szmanta at uncw.edu
Mon May 16 15:15:52 UTC 2005

Two-month summer internships are available for field assistants to help NOAA and UNCW researchers with a project on coral spawning, larval culture, coral settlement and Diadema recruitment. We will be hiring up to four interns for the period of August 1 to September 30, 2005, to work in Key Largo, FL, on the above topics. Successful applicants must be SCUBA certified with a minimum of 30 dives, including some experience with night diving. Applicants that have been in an AAUS type dive program will be preferred, and all applicants will have to satisfy AAUS scientific dive program requirements (diving medical exam, CPR, first aid and DAN oxygen courses, and DAN insurance) at UNCW. Applicants with good small boat handling skills, including US Coast Guard or Power Squadron type boating courses will be favored. The assignment will include spending up to one week at a time camping and working on the offshore Carysfort lighthouse, with minimal facilities (no running water or electricity but a gorgeous view) helping with the culture and settlement of coral larvae. Interns must be able to lift objects in the range of 50 lbs, and to be able to help lift heavier objects. Interns must be good team players, and able to adapt to a demanding and at times unpredictable work schedule for the two-week larval period. In addition to the above requirements, applicants must have a B.S. in a science field (preferably marine biology) and some experience with research. Monthly stipends of $1800 plus lodging (shared housing) will be provided in Key Largo for the duration of the assignment. 

To apply, send your statement of interest and resume to: Dr. Alina Szmant, Center for Marine Science, UNCW, 5600 Marvin K. Moss Lane, Wilmington NC, 28409 or by e-mail to: szmanta at uncw.edu. <mailto:szmanta at uncw.edu.>  For questions, please call Dr. Szmant at (910)962-2362 or (910)200-3913, or Dr. Margaret Miller (305)361-4561. Positions will be filled as qualified applicants are identified.

Dr. Alina M. Szmant
Coral Reef Research Group
UNCW-Center for Marine Science 
5600 Marvin K. Moss Ln
Wilmington NC 28409
Tel: (910)962-2362 & Fax:  (910)962-2410
Cell:  (910)200-3913
email:  szmanta at uncw.edu
Web Page:  http://people.uncw.edu/szmanta

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