[Coral-List] Yahoo! News Story - Bahrain May Build Sea Horse-ShapedIsland - Yahoo! News

Paul Erftemeijer paul.erftemeijer at wldelft.nl
Tue May 17 08:51:41 UTC 2005

Dear Vanese,

We carried out some advisory work in Bahrain in 2003. Part of the work
included site-selection of areas suitable for artificial reefs, the results
of which were also published recently in a paper, of which I attach the pdf.
Although not primarily addressing your question, you may find some
interesting bits of information in the paper, particularly in the

I hope you may find the paper of interest.

With best regards,

Paul Erftemeijer

Dr. Paul L.A. Erftemeijer
senior advisor marine ecology
WL | delft hydraulics
P.O. Box 177
2600 MH Delft
The Netherlands
Tel: (+31) 015-2858924
Fax: (+31) 015-2858718
E-mail: paul.erftemeijer at wldelft.nl

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vanese Flood" <vanesef at yahoo.com>
To: <coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 2:39 PM
Subject: [Coral-List] Yahoo! News Story - Bahrain May Build Sea
Horse-ShapedIsland - Yahoo! News

> Hey Listers,
> Would be interested in hearing comments from those in
> the know on this and other potentially damaging land
> "reclamation" projects.
> Vanese Flood
> Some quotes from the yahoo news story:
> "But the plan is already raising concerns it will bury
> a coral reef and cause other damage to the fragile
> marine environment, which supports a wide
> variety of species - including sea horses...
> "A third of the country's coral reefs have already
> been destroyed over the past two decades by
> reclamation and waterfront development, al-Qaseer
> said.
> "The developer of the Dubai project said it was trying
> to counteract some of the damage by building
> artificial reefs, where, it said, sea life will
> thrive."
> ---------------------------
> Time flys like an arrow.
> Fruit flies like a banana.
> ---------------------------
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